Day 189

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22 June 2018
Friday 11:32am

We made it to the Lower Mount Walker point the s'morning, we're taking a small brake before we continue. Nate wants to get a better view of our surroundings meaning we have to climb the freaking mountain. I think he may actually just want to do so he can say he has but either way, that's a lot of walking and climbing. He's not wrong though we would be able to get a better view of what's going on around us, we could probably see any hoards coming our way as well. Thinking about climbing this mountain reminds me of my grade 6 camp to Girraween National Park, we climbed one of the pyramids there. Which aren't actually pyramids like in Egypt funny enough, cause that was most people's first thoughts; that we were going to climb some giant triangle. But no it's just two giant mountains that stand next to each other; we couldn't climb the send one because it was too steep to climb without the proper gear. The first one was pretty steep too though and it took hours to climb. The view from the top was amazing though, totally worth it. And at the top is a big bolder that balances on a smaller platform bolder and it's called balancing rock. Everyone had a go at pushing it over but it never budged, not even a millimeter. I might complain about the climb, who am I kidding I'm gonna complain to hell and back; but I'm actually really excited to get to the top. We need to find our way too the Rosewood Warrill View Rd from here once we've taken a look around. This place isn't very populated so we shouldn't run into too many zom-noms out here. Unfortunately that also means there aren't many places to shelter us from the elements, there are trees that provide shade through the mountain but off the mountain it's less forgiving; though we knew that would happen before we started walking. As long as we keep going we'll come across something soon enough.

Same day 2:45pm

It took us longer than expected to reach a good point where we could see what was around us. Couldn't really see as much as we were hoping for but in my opinion it was still worth it. Nate said he used to go mountain climbing a lot with his family, it sounded like it was a lot of fun. Nate and I decided to stay up here for the night as it would be dark as hell by the time we reached the bottom. Being in bush areas isn't good in the dark if you don't know what you're doing. In Australia it's like a double whammy with all the venomous thing crawling and slithering around. I'm just hoping that tonight isn't too cold like last night because being up higher without shelter will pack its own punch as well.

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