Day 160

4 1 0

24 May 2018
Thursday 9:38am

How embarrassing. I had another nightmare last night and I totally freaked out and woke up Nate! I think he may have freaked out almost as much as me at first but then he kinda just breathed out and helped calm me down. He stayed up with me for a little bit talking with me until I was able to fall asleep again. I'm such a dope getting so upset over a dream, I mean...yeah it wasn't just a dream. It happened, well most of it. Olly's Mum, his sister. The man. The blood. The house. Running...and then the arms always dragging across my skin like cold ice. It was almost as if I could smell them, the putrid decayed flesh that had festered and rotted off; almost hanging by threats. It still gives me chills. I'll never get use to that smell. Even after not showering for about a month I still smelt nowhere near as malodorous as they do. And the longer they have been in the sun, the worse it gets.

Nathan is out filling the water bottles while I pack up some stuff for us to take. Seeing as his cousins were about our age they obviously had school bags so we grabbed Matt's to fill with some things so we didn't just have the one back. I mean Nate had a bag he found but it was more of a tote and so this bag is much bigger. I'm packing the camping blanket I had in my bag still and one of the blankets on the bed in Nate's. Water in both bags, some food in both bags. Of which again we don't have much of, enough for a few days at least though. Maybe on the way back through Laidley we can stop in that IGA see if there is still food left. I didn't see anyone still alive in Laidley when I was there, other than Nate, but I did spend a lot of time trapped in a house with a busted ankle? Maybe I just didn't see them. Speaking of which, my ankle is still giving me a few problems since I'm always walking on it for so long and it hasn't really been that long since I hurt it. I'm just hoping I don't mess my ankle up again, it's not like I can stay off of it for a long time. We have to keep moving. It's not safe to stay still for too long. I was paranoid as hell in Laidley that someone would just wonder through into the house or that a hoard would just bust through and tear it to shreds, and me along with it. I prefer being on the move. Speaking of which, Nate's just come back in the room and we are heading out. See ya when the sun sets...or when we find a safe place to rest, whichever comes first.

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