Day 372

4 1 0

21 December 2018

Considering everything that has gone wrong in the last month things aren't terrible at the moment. Things have smoothed out, but that's not a good thing. I've been playing the dutiful niece and Jess has been playing step-daughter; all in hopes that we can make things easier on our friends. Oliver has pretty much given up on me and thinks I've betrayed them for a 'better' life style. Trust me our life is no more perfect than theirs. If anything we are under more surveillance and scrutiny now that we are 'becoming close' with our 'family'. Everyone is waiting for us to mess up so they can dob us into my uncle. Which means we have to be very careful how we act. We eat dinner at my uncles table we make sure they see us as close as sisters, because that's what Stephanie wants. I make sure to call her my aunt around...well everyone. Because that's what she wants. Stephanie was even talking to my uncle about getting him to let Jess call him dad. And he's considering it; if he agrees to it then she has to start doing that. When they give us 'special' tasks, we do them. If we do everything they ask, on time and efficiently. Then every now and then it's okay to risk asking for things in return. Small things. Like more breaks for the guys in between work. Maybe eventually I can get it to the point where they are on the same work schedules as the other members of the know the 'adult' members.

My uncle put me in charge of a supply mission that will happen in a few days. Because there are so many people here we have to keep going out for more things. I think this is mainly meant to be for building and farming material gathering though this time. I remember him saying we needed to find soil that's good for growing things in. I personally don't think this is the best place to have that sort of set up but...I don't get to make that decision. We are taking two cars and a team of 8. I have to choose who comes on the mission. And if I do well then...well my uncle will be happy. And that's what matter at the moment. Keeping him happy, so that I can keep my friends alive.

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