Day 224

4 1 0

26 July 2018
Thursday 1:48pm so purple, and blue. Again. I thought that only happened when you broke something. Oh god don't tell me I broke it and they lied to me to make me feel better?! No way Nate wouldn't lie to me about something like that... would he... no. No way. I swear it's like I gave Cory finger paint and let him have at it on my foot. All I did was trip. I tripped. I am still a danger to myself. My mum made a joke once that I needed a reality TV should based on my clumsy life. I miss my mum, she would have gushed over me and taken me to the hospital and then gotten so mad I wasn't being careful again. At one point she band me from wearing thongs for a good month because I would slip in them too easily. Now that the ache has really settled into my foot I can officially say this sucks. I've been stuck in this house for a week nearly, and I'm going to go stir crazy if I have to stay in here any longer I swear. The swelling hasn't even really gone down yet. Probably couldn't put my shoe on even if I tried.

Nope I couldn't put my shoe on. That was very stupid. Note to future self, if I ever hurt my stupid ass again don't put shoe on swollen and inflamed ankle. Tis like death was shooting demon daggers into my foot. That and it didn't even fit. If I am not released from my prison soon I might just start singing and attract all the zombies my way. I am not a good singer. Olly use to tell me, just because you CAN sing doesn't mean you SHOULD sing. I'll have all the zombies far and wide hoarding my way just to shut me up and put me out of my miserable existence. Okay I think I'm being a little too dramatic now...

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