Day 136

4 1 0

30 April 2018
Monday 10:30am

I stood in a dead kangaroo! It was so gross! I can't believe it, there were maggots and it smelled so bad! Now I smell like it! At least that's number 3 right? I gotta keep going can't rest for to long.

Same day 2:33pm

They say bad things come in 3's right? I think who ever said that is a liar. 3's my butt. First yesterday morning when I tripped over and spilled my water, then last night when I got bitten by that spider. The s'morning when I stepped in the dead kangaroo, THEN I got chased by a horde and now this! I got chased by a dog! He looked so feral and hungry. Like he was going to literally eat me alive like one of those zombies. He was just dripping drool everywhere and he looked hurt. His front leg had dried blood on it and his fur was messed up. I'm pretty sure I lost him in between some old houses I'm in a little tree house at the moment. I hope I don't see it again, it's like playing a game of tag only if I get tagged the game ends; no second tries. So I figured this was as good a place as any to stay the night. I'm pretty sure those things can't climb so I'm safe up here from the dead at least and the dog. If I can even call it that anymore.

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