Day 324

4 1 0

3 November 2018
Saturday 12:56pm

We've been walking for hours so we are taking a break, we still have a long ways to go. I wish we still had the car. Apparently the one we had in the beginning before we got separated was trashed in an accident, one of the Zom-noms walked into the road in front of them and they hit it. Obviously they were all alright but it could have been worse, the car skidded off the road after they hit the Z. We are going to have to find water soon, we are still fine on food but our water source is low. We will probably run out in a couple of days if we don't refill our bottles.

Cory was being silly again today playing on the edge of the road; however instead of just breaking a shoe he twisted his ankle. Nathan and Olly have been switching out carrying him and I'll take a turn when we start walking again. Seb offered to switch out with me as we walk this s'arvo which is good; it gives Olly and Nathan time to actually rest their arms. He's small but Cory isn't that light, he's still a good 30kilos. Carrying him and our back packs is a big work out. I don't mind though. He needs to rest his ankle so it gets better and I can tell he's sorry for being silly and causing trouble. He's a good kid, sometimes kids get rowdy but he doesn't mean to cause trouble for people. Unless he does cause trouble on purpose like the other day then that's different obviously, this was an accident though. Looks like we're moving again, later!

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