Day 400

5 1 0

18 January 2019

It's's so hot. I just wanna strip down to my underwear and star fish on the bed. A fan would be nice. An air con would be nicer. I hate summer. Summer sucks. It's so hot. I'm sweating through my clothes. At this rate I won't need to take a shower; I will become my own shower. That's disgusting thinking about it like that. At least we are inside the house and not the car...the car would cook us in a second out there. It's easily got to be 39•c maybe more.

I just remembered that really silly song that they made for commercials to teach kids to put on a hat and sunscreen. Slip, Slop, slap. Slip on a shirt, slop on sunscreen and slap on a hat. Slip, slop, slap you can stop skin cancer say, slip slop slap. God that song was so catchy. No hat, no play Australia! I wish I had a hat or sunscreen. However I think us getting skin cancer at the moment might be a little bit less of a panic. Why worry about your body attacking itself when you have humanoid man-eating monsters trying to attack you right? You know what...I bet the government did have a cure for cancer but because of how much it would cost to cure everyone they just went 'nah! Let them pay us to save them!' Those asshats. I bet that's what they did. Why should you have to pay someone to save your life? That's just cruel. I can understand that medication and stuff use to cost money but I think the government should of had to pay for it not the person who was sick. Well I guess we don't have to worry about medical bills or an unfair government system anymore either. Just the thought of immediate death lurking out beyond the doors.

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