Day 69

9 1 0

22 February 2018
Thursday 3:58pm

It is safe to say there were more people at school today, maybe there was a party on Tuesday night and everyone just decided not to go yesterday because they were hung over or tired. Either way Kena was away again today, she said she wasn't feeling well again so she stayed home today to go to a doctor; she wants to get better quickly so she can get back to work on her assessments and so she can attend school again. Even Sparky was a bit shocked at how much Kena wanted to be at school when I told her she missed being in class; she made a joke about how Kena must really be sick to miss school.

Olly wants me to come over this weekend and help him re-dye his hair again, I asked why he didn't get his sister to do it (cause you know, she does her hair all the time) and he told me 'he would never trust that witch, with his precious hair'. Then he told me I should feel blessed he was asking me to do his hair, he doesn't trust his hair to just anyone. So that's what I'm doing this weekend. It has been decided...apparently.

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