Day 361

5 1 0

10 December 2018

We are still at the camp. We didn't even get a change to leave. They drove us all the way over to Gloucester, apparently they had already cleaned out anywhere near by where we had been staying and that was the next closes place they could think of. We were raiding a building that looked like people had been living in recently. And that's when they came. This heard of Zom-noms just walked straight through the area we were in and we had all had to get back into the cars to leave quickly. Sparky and I had been together and we had headed back after we saw the heard coming. We had to fight our way back with the small weapons they trusted to give us. Small pocket knives and so forth. When I turned to help Sparky into the car she was gone. She had just, disappeared. I didn't hear her get taken by a zom-nom. I didn't hear her call out for help or for me to slow down. She just disappeared. That was it. She was just gone.

She's gone now too.

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