Day 82

10 1 0

7 March 2018
Wednesday 6:45pm

Kena died and Max is really sick. He was just admitted to the hospital last night; I went to go see how she was doing when they told me. She was only in the ICU for 2 days. How could it have, how did she get so sick, so quickly even in the hospital they couldn't slow it down. There were so many people their patience and family's, people crying. There was this one guy who they were taking somewhere while I was leaving and he was vomiting blood. Why hasn't someone done something yet to fix what's happening? And now on top of all that; everyone has no idea what is really going on anymore. Someone released a statement to the media that what had been said about this mutated flu virus was false. That it wasn't some flu virus killing people and that they were lying to get people who don't believe in vaccination to change their minds. To make them believe they have to vaccinate their children or they would die. That it was all one big lie that the media was able to spread like butter on bread. But if that's true...why is it that Kena is dead, and Max is sick; but their mother is fine? Why are all these people getting sick? Why am I okay even though I've been in that hospital 3 times in the last week or so and around Kena while she was sick for even longer? Kena's mother spent all her time with the both of them trying to make them better. So why is she okay? But they aren't?

Are they just trying to cover up that this is happening so as not to scare people? Or do people actually believe that nothing is really going on?

Who are we suppose to believe? The media? The so called scientists? Or the people who think everyone else is lying?

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