Day 215

4 1 0

18 July 2018
Wednesday 8:52am

Maybe talking to the kids about leaving so soon wasn't such a good idea. I was right last month when I said it would be a cold winter, last night was 6 degrees! If we left now while it's hitting those temperatures the kids could get sick. And it also doesn't help that they have gone around telling people that we will be leaving soon. The 'adults' didn't like that idea. Two young adolescents raising two children on their own is hard enough but in this world with the state it's in how dare we even think of it. Oh my god the amount of lectures we got was tiring. I did get my word in thought to remind them that while they had been surviving together for so long Nate and I both at some point were surviving individually on our own. If we can do that than being in a small group is easy-peasy-lemon squeeze. Also we had been 'raising' the children fine on our own here why would it be any different anywhere else? It's not like a scenery changes what we are doing. You just have to keep them safe, keep them fed and show them love. We had been doing that for almost two weeks now, it's not like that would change out there. And the only time any of them have helped us during that time was when I went on a patrol and they asked Nathan to fix something for them again, so they watched the kids run around. Sure out there isn't very safe but neither is being here? Just because we haven't seen anything doesn't mean they aren't walking around out there, eventually they'll find this place too. It's just a matter of time. That's just how things work. They need to be with their brother and Nate and I need to be with our friends. We can't stay here forever, no one can. Why do older people have to piss me off so much?! And what did they mean by 'adults'? I think Nathan and I have pretty much graduated childhood to adult hood by now! Just imagine me grrrrrring all over the place. That's how mad I was. Nancie even started pretending to be me being grumpy in an effort to cheer me up. And it just had to be first thing in the morning? Like seriously? It could potentially ruin my whole day?! I'm not gonna let it but come on, show some Curtesy! At least lecture me later in the day...though actually that could ruin my night... so I'd still be down for the count. Either way I am an adult... and adult who is having a mild tantrum over not being called a real adult. Great.

It's not just me though even Nathan was a bit upset at the way the adults are treating us, we aren't kids anymore. Why can't they see that?

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