Day 226

4 1 0

28 July 2018
Saturday 11:13am

I love that apples have seeds. Back at school we had a cheery seed spitting contest once but because I don't like cherries I didn't join in. How ever the kids and I were board and I do love apples and they have seeds. So we just finished having an apple seed spitting contest from the back porch. I even got Nathan involved at the end. Cory and Nancie tried to cheat and throw their seeds while we weren't looking at one point, and one lady who was doing who knows what got all grossed out because we were spitting. I tried to tell her we were spitting seeds but I am a heathen and teaching those pure innocent children bad manners, oh dear bless the lord have mercy on my soul. I am rotting those children's minds with entertainment during an apocalypse! Apparently I should be teaching them about the bible she told me. Look I have nothing against the bible. Anyone can believe in anything they want to. I myself believe there has to be some form of higher power, whether its god or gods as in the plural I have no idea; but teaching these kids Sunday school won't keep them alive any longer. She wants me to basically tell them god will save us if we believe in him, but if that were true...wouldn't it be over already? How many people believed in him before all this? What is this, some sort of bible apocalypse? And the devil will cast the dead back on the earth? That's in the bible somewhere right? I'm sure it is... well.. if that's what happened and this is all gods will, then wouldn't those of faith have been spared? While those who didn't suffered? I can pretty much guarantee no one was given a free pass like that, hell; if god could promise right now it would all be over in the blink of an eye as long as I believed in him I would do so. In a heart beat. But life doesn't work like that, faith is there only to keep you strong minded and strong willed to keep moving forward. It will not save you from a zombie though. So I will not lie to these children and tell them it will. If they want to believe god exists they can but I'm not going to force it on them and I certainly won't do it with broken promises.

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