Day 148

7 1 0

12 May 2018
Saturday 5:36pm

I'm sorry I didn't write yesterday, it was a very long day. I've never been so happy in my life. It's Nate, he found me! Or I found him? Either way I'm not alone anymore. He told that everyone went back to the house once it was safe to and they waited there for me for a little while but that because I never showed up they assumed the worse. They had made a plan to head to Olly's uncles property in New South Wales but then they got split up while getting supplies. They were detouring to Gatton at first so that Nate could check on some family there but after he got split up he started heading their on his own. He was still on his way when we ran into each other at a Cole's looking for food and water. There wasn't anything there sadly in the means of food but seeing Nate makes up for all of that. I was so relieved to see him I started crying, how embarrassing. We had a lot to catch up on and we had to find shelter as well, at the moment we are locked up in park least this one is cleaner then the last one. I'm so over sleeping in bathrooms though. He's asleep over next to the sink at the moment; I'm across from the door. The bathroom hasn't got any windows so the only light that comes in from outside is from underneath the door. The lock isn't that great as you can imagine... it's a public bathroom door, but as long as we are quite then anything that walks past tonight won't know we are in here.

Nate said he split up with the group about two weeks or so after I did so the chance that everyone is still alive is high. Maybe we can even meet up with everyone at Olly's uncle's place? it's a long walk...I have no idea how long it would take us to get there, if we even make it in the first place; but it's the best I can come up with.

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