Day 75

10 1 0

28 February 2018
Wednesday 4:15pm

Kena... I'm really worried about Kena. I wouldn't usually be so worried she said it was just a head-cold but, the s'morning on the news; in fact all day they've been talking about how some sort of Flu virus was going around and making people really sick and that a few people have even died. I mean it's not exactly new news, last year the same thing happened in August. Some people in Victoria died. But there saying the numbers have reached the hundreds. And that everyone that had caught this new strand of flu hadn't been immunized. Only people who didn't get a vaccination for the flu virus are getting sick, is this how that boy died earlier in the year? The kid who collapsed at school, is this what happened to him? And what about that video Lolly sent me on the weekend? Is that actually real? Is that what's happening to people? Remember how I told you Kena told me that when her mother was growing up and getting vaccinations she caught almost everything she was being vaccinated for to prevent? And how she believes it's the vaccines that are actually making people sick with these diseases? That if people stopped vaccinating against them the disease would stop spreading; so she refused to vaccinate her children? That would mean that Kena could die because she wasn't vaccinated. Neither was her little brother, will he get sick too? I know I've only known her a few weeks but Kena and I have become good friends, I don't want her to die like this.

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