Day 53

13 1 0

6 February 2018

Wednesday 7:34 am

I don't think today will be a good day, at least not for me. I found Mr Bubbles floating in his tank the s'morning. He's gone. I know normally people don't get very upset over fish dying, but he was my little buddy. I don't even know why or how? He had a good diet; his tank water was great quality, I didn't mess with his tank too much so as not to cause him stress. Betta's can live up to 5 years. I've had him for 2 years; maybe he was already a couple of years old when I bought him? I don't know... I emptied all the water out of the tank, but I haven't put anything away yet; I still need to finish getting ready for school.

R.I.P Mr Bubbles

Same Day

8:45 pm

So mum helped me put the tank and everything away in a cupboard, she told me if I wanted I could get a new fish but... I'm not gonna do that for a while. It would feel too much like just tossing him aside now that he's gone. Everything was pretty much dry by the time I got home from school. It's gonna be a little strange for a while; I'll have to break my habit of feeding him in the morning after I get up. Have to break the habit of wanting to clean his tank for him once a week, 15% changes throughout the month and then once a month 100% water changes... no more watching TV with him, although he didn't really watch TV in the first place I guess... cause he's a fish... was... a fish.

School was okay; I don't have any homework, thank gosh, but you'll never believe what happened today! One of the little year 8's collapsed in H.P.E. the school had to call an ambulance to come and take him to hospital. Apparently, one of the girls in his class told the teacher he hadn't been feeling well all day; I hope he's okay.

Told you today would be an off day, fish dying, kids collapsing. I'm gonna go for a shower before I go to bed, night night diary. Thanks for being here to listen to me complain about stuff... although you don't really have much choice. Night.

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