Day 181

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14 June 2018
Thursday 7:17am

It stopped raining last night so we are hitting the road again today, its sill really wet and muddy outside though. Not looking forward to that. I could hear that dog again earlier; at least I'm pretty sure it's the same one. It's not exactly barking anymore. More like a broken yelp mixed with a low groaning growl. I can't wait to get out of this area; I don't wanna run into that dog again. I only just managed to out run the thing last time. Would a zombie dog be harder to take out then a human zombie? I imagine it would be seeing as dogs are generally faster than people and they are equipped with a much more painful bite...considering all the sharp teeth. I don't wanna have to kill a dog, undead or not. I just wanna avoid that whole situation altogether. We are leaving soon so I have to pack up.

Same day 4:18pm

I just realized. It's been roughly 3 months today since the incident at school and about 2 and half months since the hoard tore through Olly's place. It feels like so much longer, as if more than triple the time had passed since then. Nate and I ran into that damn dog on our way out of Laidley, I swear I jinx myself to much. I really need to stop saying that I hope stuff doesn't happen because I know it will happen if I say it or think it, that's just how bad my luck is some times. The dog tried to grab a hold of my leg while we were attempting to book it out of the area. I did try and hit it but I missed its head and got the creatures leg instead, Nate had to step in and put the poor thing out of its misery. Is it still called that if the thing is unable to actually feel misery anymore? I mean, I assume it was in pain before it turned but they aren't in any pain anymore afterwards... at least I'm pretty sure they aren't. I'd like to know how in the hell all of this happened, but I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one.

Well break time is over gotta get back to walking, it will get dark soon and we need to find somewhere safe before the sun goes down.

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