Day 89-Part 2

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Same Day 1:51pm

So obviously...I didn't die. At least not physically. I've never seen so much blood before in my life. And I'm glad I stopped writing when I did. I'm at my house at the moment in my room. With Olly and the others down stairs washing up or changing as well. People have been trying to call their families. I tried to call mine but no one answered. The reason we all came back to my place was because it was the closes to the school, I live in Yamato so a 5 minute drive was more preferable... Oliver's is about 20 minutes from my house and Sparky and Lolly live in Silkstone so about 10 minutes way. I'm not sure where the others live.  So now that it's calmed down I should probably fill you in on how I found the others right?

Well back at the school, I didn't have scissors because the school classes them as a weapon and when we need them they provide them. So I put my diary and things in my little backpack and walked over to the stupid book case full of stupid text books on mathematics that I'm willing to bet nobody has ever fully read. And I grabbed the teacher's pair of scissors; he did seem to notice me until he turned to see them next to my head. People looked scared for a second before they realized what I was doing. I cut my hair as short as I could in one swipe and then tore open the sides of my skirt to make it as practical as possible for me to run in. I would have liked to have trimmed my skirt shorter but I knew that anything that would happen would happen soon. I mean that's what happens in every zombie movie right? It's always when people think they are safe that shit happens. I put my school scarf in my small backpack and threw out everything I knew I wouldn't need that would drag me down. Text books, assessments, work books. Anything useless now needed to be out of my way. I placed my bag on my back and strapped it as tight as possible and re-tied my shoes. I WASN'T GOING TO RUN AWAY FROM A ZOMBIE ONLY TO TRIP ON SHOE LACES! I found an elastic band that Mr Mathew had, he had his news paper on his desk so I took the band off that and tried it around what left I had of my hair, putting it in a small, really small piggy-tail. Now obviously people were questioning what the hell I was doing while I was doing all this but I just stayed quiet and tried to focus on my breathing and what I was doing. 

I knew I had to find my friends. There was no way I could even hope to get off that school ground alive without them. So I walked up to the door and the window and tried to peek through the blinds my teacher had pulled down. People were still screaming outside and trying to open doors that were locked, trying to save themselves. One boy pushed his girlfriend into a zombie before trying to run away...he didn't get far though.  I wasn't stupid enough to try and go out that door. I might have been somewhat prepared for out there; but nobody else in that room was.

So I simply told them, "if you stay here you will die. If you go out there, threw this door you will die. If you go out there without being somewhat mentally and physically prepared, you'll die. No if's, and's or but's" a couple of people threw things like, "what makes you an expert?" "We'll be safe if we stay quiet! Someone will save us!" I just ignored them and walked over to the soft folding class room divider. I tried to listen for anything on the other side but I couldn't hear anything over everyone's complaining and hushed yelling. I asked my teacher if a class was meant to be in the other side of divided room that lesson and he said there wasn't, so I opened the door to that room a little bit and it was empty so I told him and everyone else to be careful if they weren't going to listen to me and I left shutting the door. I ran over to the door on the other side and ducked down. I looked around making sure it was safe and then, I did something stupid but smart and I bolted out the door and tried to find my friends class rooms.

After 5 years going on my 6th year of being at that school. I knew the lay out better then the back of my hand...seriously sometimes I find new tiny freckles and I go 'how long have you been there for?'
Olly was in English with Stefan and Sparky.
And Lolly was in Cooking with Nathan and Barbie-face.

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