Day 242

4 1 0

13 August 2018
Monday 2:12pm

Nancie had a bit of a fall today. She was playing around the wood piles, even after she was told not too, and she tripped on a piece and skinned her knees. She was actually very lucky because the piece she kicked was moved out from under the pile which caused some of the wood to fall. She could have been hurt a lot worse. I cleaned her up and told her she had to be more careful and why. Then of course I gave her a hug because she was still crying and it made me sad watching her cry, oh my god my heart clenched. I hate watching them cry. I just wanted to scoop her up and make sure she stopped crying then and there, but no I must adult now. I MUST ADULT. She needed to be talked to and comforted. Not just the easy one. I made sure Cory understood to be careful from now on as well. Other than that it was a pretty normal day, not much happened, Old Lady Jasmin walked into a tree... I think she use to have glasses she's always done little funny things like that since she's been here. She's very sweet though.
I gotta go get some lunch for the kids before I forget.

Same day

It happened. It was just one but where there is one usually more follow. It got caught up in the sound line. Cans and wind chimes where sounding for a good 5 minutes so Nate went to check while I stayed with the kids. He said one of the other guys who got there first took care of it before he got there. They made sure there weren't any more nearby and couldn't see any but still. That doesn't make me any less anxious.

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