Day 193

8 1 0

26 June 2018
Tuesday 3:32pm

I'm not entirely sure where we are but we found a very small town out in woop-woop so we are staying in a house for the night which is very nice. Still haven't had any trouble with the dead since the other week, maybe it's because there isn't a lot out here? The house we are in is small and made of wood. All the glass windows are still intact for a change and there isn't much blood around the area. I don't know what happened but I would have though a place like this would be perfect to hold out in. There is a small creek and well that we can get fresh water from, a wood burner inside the house and plenty of wood. I would be nice to stay here. It's quiet but not like in the cities. There isn't any moaning, all I can hear is the trees rustling and even some birds in the distance. There are even some crop fields. A lot of the crops are dead from not being cared for but with the things that are still alive we could probably plant our own crops. There is a small orchard as well; this place has everything we could ever need to survive. Well everything except our friends.

And honestly how long could it even last? I don't know how to farm so everything would probably die throughout the winter and we would be left here without food. We'd have to leave this beautiful place anyway soon enough. It's gonna get dark soon I'm gonna head inside now.

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