Day 302

4 1 0

12 October 2018
Friday 3:52pm

I know it's been a few days since I last wrote...I'm sorry, I was just dealing with everything. It's been very quiet since the incident, Cory has nightmares every night. I had once the first night and since then I haven't been sleeping well. Nathan is awake more at night as well. Cory sleeps with Nancie's pillow in his arms at night while we all huddle together, and some days he refuses to walk anymore; like he's given up on everything. Nate and I switch out carrying him on those days. We can't force him to move but we can't stop either, so it's the only option. Either way I would rather have him in my arm anyway, at least then I can make sure he is safe. We are in another small house in some town at the moment. Nate is sitting next to a wall just thinking and Cory is curled up with me on the bed.
Why does it hurt so much? I'm going to convince Nate to come to bed...goodnight.

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