Day 348

4 1 0

27 November 2018

I can't stand this. They keep making us do all the hard work and we hardly ever rest. It's only the third day since they found us. They keep telling us that if we work hard enough then when we are older, if we survive that long, we will be much more prepared for things that are thrown at us. And we would be able to survive harder conditions. Harder conditions? Are they kidding me? We've been walking across Australia for months! What sort of conditions do they think we are going to have to go through in the future? Food and water are always going to be a problem and so is the heat. Animals will eventually have it just as bad and will either die off as well or evolve to face the conditions, but how many years is that down the future. Too many. Right now the only things we have to worry about are them. These cruel disgusting people. Who value their own lives over anybody else's, and would rather kill someone else; than die themselves. My hands hurt from digging all day. I don't even know why I had to dig that damn hole. They don't tell us anything. They don't even tell us why we do half the shit they want us to complete. We either have to guess or just not know.

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