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This is a different one that I wrote for school!!

She intrigued him. With a name like Felicity, he would have imagined a pastel girl with an obsession for bunnies. Instead, she was an eccentric girl who loved bright colors and all animals. Her obsession wasn't for bunnies. Rather, she loved music; she listened to it incessantly. This all just intrigued him more.
Felicity first saw him when she woke up one morning—as always she had been listening to music while she slept. She pulled out her earphones and looked to the man. He was standing by the window, his face illuminated by an ethereal light. She was aware of a soft scent; she could only describe it as sunshine and brightness. At first, she thought she was still dreaming. After all, he had pure white wings unfurled behind him. It was surreal. That's when he stepped forward.
"Hello Felicity," he said. She smiled slightly as she sat up in her bed. "I've been watching you for a while."
"That's not creepy at all," she replied. She ran a hand through her hair, starting to think she wasn't dreaming. It was all too vivid to be a dream.
"I'm Ansel. Happy to finally meet you," he said, taking another step forward.
She could feel her heart start to beat erratically in her chest. She was conflicted: intrigued but terrified at the same time.
"Felicity," she responded, forgetting completely that he'd already said her name.
"Oh I know," he told her, sitting down on the edge of her bed. In one swift movement, his enormous wings retracted into his back, making her squeak in surprise. Now he looked to her, appearing normal save for the inhuman beauty he possessed. He was absolutely gorgeous.
"What are you doing here?" she asked him, but he just smiled. He leaned closer to her, and her heart started to beat faster. Her breath hitched when he touched her arm lightly. He leaned in even more, and she closed her eyes. She could feel the ghost of his lips on hers, but just like that, it was gone again. Her eyes snapped open to an empty room. She furrowed her brow, confused.
Deciding it was actually a dream, she pulled herself out of bed. Only that's when she saw it: a lone white feather in the corner of the room.

I know it's short but I think it's actually more impactful that way anywayyyy
Also thank you so so much for 100k ahhhhh

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