The Return of the Villainess

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Cadence's Pov

I'm no fool, after I received the call I immediately made conclusions, well it's better to be ready and expect what to be expected rather than be surprised.

Grandma was a very tricky woman, she knows that I would keep an eye over them. Lying that you had a very serious illness, I mean how hard can it be, even kids knows how to pretend to be sick so they can skip class. There's also a possibility that grandma had an heart attack after arguing with my brothers, cause I know how much my brothers loves me and FYI I am not bragging about it (she actually is). Or grandma was just getting old and having illness in old people was only natural.

After pondering for a while, I suddenly thought of a brilliant idea, I grinned "This is going to be fun" I mumbled.

Hehehehe, I've already gave them enough time to think about breaking my engagement without any problems. But those pathetic hypocrites chose the hard way, if they can't break a simple engagement then I'll do it myself, then I'll be the one who will get rid of my fiance. I smirked.

Plan: annihilate the whole Stepanov family.

Suspects: frame the Harrison Corp about the incident. (Arianne's father's company)

It's like killing two birds with one stone, since Arianne messed with me, does she think that I will let her off easily?? NEVER.

They should know, no matter how long a person's patience is, it will run out.

The next day, after telling Jean what to do, I got ready and packed my things to return to my parents house.


I knocked on the door, a maid opened it. Her eyes widen when she saw me.

"Young mistress" she greeted.

On the exact moment, Credence saw me "Cadenza!!" he shouted as he hastily ran towards me.

"Big brother" I said as I hugged him back tightly.

(Let's skip their cliche heart warming reunion)

"Grandma" I spoke as I held her hand, she was lying in the hospital bed. Her skin was so pale and her face looked lifeless.

"I'm sorry Cadenza" she started "Grandma shouldn't have forced you to do something you wouldn't like" she spoke.

"It's ok grandma, you should rest for now" I replied.

After visiting grandma in the hospital, it was already dawn when we returned home, Charlotte was happy to see me again and she pathetically cried.

Author's Pov

Jean and Wilbur was preparing the guns and men, five black SUV cars stopped at the Stepanov's mansion.

They were excited for the task they were given to them, because usually they were always tasked to undercover, guard and do some things (torture) to squeeze information. So what they were about to do tonight is a rare opportunity to show off their skills in fighting also

As Jean and the rest dramatically exited their cars and preparing their guns, suddenly Jean's phone rang.

"Hello" he spoke as he raised his hand to stop his subordinates.

"Cancel the plan" was all Cadenza said before hanging up.

Jean stood there for awhile, not moving at all. Wilbur stared at him worriedly before asking "What did she say?"

"Cancel the plan"


Finally Cadenza's engagement was cancelled, her life returned to normal. She went back to school where her minions were, she started appearing in magazines, she also continued her dance, music and sports.

But there's someone she didn't forget to get rid of, Arianne.

"Boss we brought her" Tyrone spoke as he effortlessly tossed Arianne on the floor.

"What do you want?!" Arianne shouted as she tried to wriggle to escape, she was not tied in ropes but with huge chains.

Cadenza turned around to face them and chuckled "Oh dear, if you would say something like that other people will surely take advantage of it" Arianne stared at her with wide eyes.

When Cadenza was gone as Agatha, Arianne sent some people to find her and dispatch her. Naturally Cadenza was observing her with amusement, she was like a big predator looking at her prey. Then she got bored and told them to dispose her.

"But since you asked me that, I WANT YOU DEAD" Cadenza walked over to Arianne, she lifted her face with her right hand and spat out the words "This nerd will make you suffer then bury you alive" Arianne stiffened. She was wailing uncontrollably as she was dragged outside.

Cadenza smirked in satisfaction, she sat on her chair and opened a file containing informations about a certain person.

"Barry, how much more will you surprise me?" she spoke, her tone was filled with amusement and anger with a hint of danger.

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