Chapter 18

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Samantha's P.O.V

The same alarm sound went off as yesterday, and my brain to a few minutes to wrap around the idea that I need to get up. I hit the button telling it to shut the heck up and stand up to see Taylor is dead asleep.

I go into my dresser and grab a white shirt that has a nice flow to it, a pair of Aztec silky/cotton type shorts with an embroidering on the hem, a elephant necklace, and a pair of flat tan sandals. It was really hot outside when I stepped on the balcony, so I went with loose clothing.

I go into the shower and wash my body. When I get out I wash my face and put on mascara. I take my hair out of the messy bun that it had been in since dinner yesterday and my hair falls in almost perfect beach waves. Key word almost. I walk out all dressed and see Taylor on his phone.

He walks to the bathroom and starts to get ready. I grab a nude canvas over the body tiny bag and put my iPod in it along with my headphones, gum and wallet. let it be known my wallet has nothing but a used up Starbucks gift card, a few pennies and a school idea card. this making me useless in a situation of needing money.

"I'm ready if you are." Taylor cuts me out of my self conversation and I stand up and follow him. We walk down stairs to the breakfast area and Nash, Hayes, and Cameron are the only other room down here.

"Hey." I walk over and take a seat next to Hayes.

"I was so close to taking duct tape and taping your mouth shut last night." Hayes says and I turned to him a little shocked.

"Hey, what about Shawn?" I shoot back.

"I only heard you."

"Well I don't talk to myself, I'm not schizo." He chokes on his drink and turns to me.

"Well then Sammy." I smile and turn to see Jack, Sam, and Johnson have arrived.

"You need your medicine, so either take it here or in the bathroom." Jack says handing me a little container with just today's pills.

"Here. If I go to the bathroom it will look like scene out of a movie about a drug addict."

"If you say so."

"I did say so." I say back very sassily. I open up the container and swallow one pill at a time with small sips of the apple juice in front of me.

"How many pills do you take?" Nash asks and everyone decided to show up now, so story time.

"Well one is for ADHD, another is for OCD, the other one is for anxiety and the last one is a vitamin that I am forced to take."

"Oh, gotcha." Nash nods and goes back to eating his waffles. I hand Jack the empty container, and he just stares at me.

"Where am I gonna put it?" He asks

"I don't know?"

"Just out it in your purse." He suggests.

"That's a good idea." I say with a look agreement.

"Sometimes I wonder how you're a genius." He says loud enough for me to hear.

"Hey, say that to the four tests saying so. Or you can still be shocked like all the testers."

"I'll be shocked led the testers." I laugh and feel an arm drop over my shoulder. I see Shawn smiling and I guess I was too busy talking to Jack to realize he was next to me.

"Hayes told me he was close to duct taping my mouth shut last night." I tell him amused.

"Thanks Hayes." Shawn says to Hayes.

"Well she threw you under the bus saying she doesn't talk to herself, meaning she was talking to you."

"Well looks like we are both being duct tapped by Hayes." Shawn laughs and eats his pancakes, while I eat my eggs. I would prefer to be eating pancakes, but Jack the dietary expert said no because I need protein in my system.

Everyone soon finishes including me and we head to the event space. I put my bag backstage with Shawn's guitar and go to stand by my brother, still holding Shawn's hand. He gets called and I let go of his hand

"Jack Gilinsky and his sister Samantha." I follow Jack to the stage and sit next to Shawn.

"What am I gonna do today, same as yesterday?" I whisper to him.

"I hope not, you passed out if you don't remember. I think sitting by me, but I'm not sure. Ask Jack."

"Jack, psssh, Jack." I whisper to him.


"What do I do?" I ask.

"Follow Shawn and when he sings sit with me or stand with Mahogany." He answers and turns back to the crowd.

"He said to follow you."

"Got it wizard." He winks at me.

"Cork it songbird."

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