7 (Jenna's POV)

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Two months later

My stomach starting to get bigger. I'm already pregnant for four months. And, I still keep it alone. Until now, nobody had notice my bump because I wear an oversized shirt when I go to class.

I was rarely meet Aera nowadays. She keeps absent from all the class and the college seems fine with that. Maybe she has her own reason.


"Isn't it her?"

"I think so."

"How can she not being careful?"

I saw many people start looking at me. They said somethings and whispers among themselves.

"She's pregnant!"

Oh my god. Are they starting to know? They was looking at me with disgusting face and smirk at me.

I walking faster to class while covering my bump with my bag. When I reach at my class, I saw all my classmates give me a dirty look. I go to my seat and keep looking down.

Just then I saw Aera stepped inside the class. Finally, I have someone beside me. But, my thoughts was gone because Aera was give me a disgusting face and sit with her new friends.

Great. Now, I all alone. In the back of the class.

When the class is dismissed, I go to Aera. "Aera! Wait!"

She stop and looked at me. "What?!"

"Can we talk for a second?"

"Fine! Let's go somewhere." She said and I follow her to the flower garden.

Many eyes was looked at me when I walked. I somehow feel so uncomfortable with all the attention.

"Okay. Now, talk!"

"Uhmm.. Why you not sit with me anymore in the class?"

She scoffed when heard that. "Look Jenna, I don't know what happen to you but, look at you right now. You're pregnant! For a God sake why you not being careful? Is it the way you want the attentions?"

"W-whatt? No.. No.. It's just happen so fast and it was my first time. I don't know it can happen for the first place. Please... Please believe me." I beg.

"Who's the father?" She asked.

God! I can't tell her that this baby was Jungkook's. It's will hurt her.

"I don't remember who the guy is." I lied.

"What? Is it happen after Somi's party?"

I nodded.

"Look, Jenna. I think you have to solve your problem first. I don't want to get involve with you." Aera said.

"No.. Please. I don't have anyone else. I only have you. You was my friend. Please....."

"Since when we were friends? You just my slave. Not my friend. God! You so stupid, Jenna." She said that and leave me alone.

So, after all this I was just a slave to her? I can't believe that. I was loyal to her and this is I get in return?

I was crying in the middle of the garden and people starts to wandering around. I quickly wipes my tears and go back to home.

When I reach my home, I still can't believe that what Aera's said. I'm just her slave. She just used me to do all the assignments and group projects. She doesn't think that I was her friends. God. Why am I so stupid?


26 April 2018

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