12 (3rd POV)

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"Yah, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung! Where do you guys go? It's already late!" Seokjin asked from the kitchen.

Jimin and Taehyung sigh and walked to living room. They were know that they will be scolding by Jin in a minute. There is Yoongi sleeping in the other couch.

"I'm sorry, hyung. We're forget to text you. We went to shopping mall and spend time at there." Jimin said.

"Who's going to shopping?" Namjoon walked out to living room with Hoseok.

"Shopping at night? What time do you finish your discussion?" Jin asked.

"Actually, we finish before 3:00 pm, then we decide to go shopping and have a dinner at there." Taehyung speak.

"How about lunch?" Seokjin asked.

"Ahh.... We have our lunch at Jenna's place. She cook cheese dakgalbi and doenjang chigae. It was so delicious." Jimin said.

"Wahhh~ sound really delicious." Hoseok said and both of Jimin and Taehyung nodded.

"What do you bought? Hoseok asked.

Taehyung smile and take out the shopping bag. He then place the things he bought on the coffee table to let the older member take a look.

"Camera?" Namjoon asked.

"Yes. A real high quality of camera. The pictures or videos captured will turned out so great and pretty." Taehyung answer.

"Why'd you guys bought a camera so suddenly?" Jin asked.

"Taehyung and me, we both have our own theory. Tomorrow, we will reveal to hyungs of our theory either they right or not." Jimin said.

"What theory?" Namjoon asked.

"Just wait till tomorrow hyung. Don't worry, we will asking for you guys advice when the theory is right." Taehyung said.

"Okay, we believe with you. Just don't anything stupid." Seokjin said.

"Don't worry, hyung. But, if our theory is right, we're must to protect more than one live." Jimin said and all the hyungs is have a quizzically look meanwhile Yoongi just sleeping all the time.

Sharp at 10:30 am, Jimin and Taehyung had arrived at Jenna's apartment. They bump into each other while Jimin and Taehyung want to stepped in the elevator while Jenna want to stepped out from the elevator.

Without wasting anytime, three of them go to OBGYN that Jenna have the appointment.

"Hoo Jenna. I have an appointment with Dr. Kang at 11:00 am." Jenna said to the receptionist.

"Yes, you did. Please go to room 7 level 3 and waits until Dr. Kang come in." The receptionist said and smile to three of them.

We three go to Dr. Kang's room. Before we entered it, Jenna asked something to both of Taehyung and Jimin. "Do you guys want to join me inside or waiting at the outside?"

"We want to join you. Look, I already brought a camera with me to take your picture and my niece video." Taehyung showed me his camera.

"Okay. I just don't want you to feel awkward inside." Jenna said.

"No, Jenna. We're okay with that. Remember, we're friends right?" Jimin said and push the door open and let Jenna enter the room first.

Jimin and Taehyung seems mesmerized by all the equipments inside the room. Jimin have sit politely but have Taehyung's hands seems itchy because he almost touch everything inside there.

"Yah, Kim Taehyung! Don't laying down at there!" Jimin said and Jenna turned to Taehyung who laying on the bed that used to do ultrasound.

After 5 minutes, Dr. Kang's finally enter the room. "Good morning, Jenna."

"Good morning, doctor." Jenna reply her.

"How are you? Seems like you brought someone, today?" Dr. Kang said and look to both Jimin and Taehyung.

"I'm fine. They both was my friends. They were insists to join me today." Jenna said.

"Ohh... I thought one of them was the father." Dr. Kang said.

"No, doctor. They're not. They're my friends." Jenna speak.

"Sorry, my bad. Let's get started, sweetie."

Dr. Kang starts with check Jenna's blood pressure and go through some her previous visit that showed in her book.

"Okay. Let's do some ultrasound. I want to see your baby growth."

Jenna nodded and go to bed who was Taehyung laying earlier. Both of her friends are following her stood beside her.

"Doctor, are we allowed to take a video here?" Taehyung asked.

"Yes, you are. We're not against that." Dr. Kang said and Taehyung happily grinning and start to recording.

She start placed a some kind of jelly-ish things on Jenna's tummy. After that, she take a machine and running on Jenna's tummy. In a few seconds after that, the room filled with sounds of baby's heartbeat.

"You both hear that?" Dr. Kang asked Jimin and Taehyung.


7 May 2018

It's Jimin's & Taehyung's POV in next chapter.

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