20 (Jenna's POV)

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I was so happy when saw Jungkook eating so happily my food. It's make my heart races more. He also volunteered to washing a dishes and cleaning up the table. I drag Jimin and Taehyung at balcony while Jungkook do the dishes alone.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked.

"What? I'm doing nothing. I'm so full right now." Taehyung said.

"Why me? Why not Namjoon oppa who the one helping Jungkook? Why do you bring Jungkook here?"

"Woaa... Wooaaa... Calm down Jenna. We just want to help you. We want you to spend time with Jungkook. This is all that we can help." Jimin said.

"But I'm afraid if I fell more deeper into him. I'm afraid if I can't live without him after spend more time him."

"Jenna, we know. We just want Haengbokki feel the presence of her appa even she was not born yet. Don't you think we didn't think enough about this. We do okay. We just want to happy while you pregnant his child. Have him beside you while you carrying his child even he didn't know that the baby was his." Taehyung wiped off my tears.

"Okay, now let's give your answers to Jungkook. I'm sorry if we make you crying." Jimin caress my hair.

When I entered the house, Jungkook was almost finish with the dishes.

"Jungkook, come here after you done. Jenna want to give her answer." Jimin said.

"Okay hyung. Just a few minutes."

I smile when I saw Jungkook carefully drying the plate. I feel like want to take his picture and look at it when I'm miss him. I can't believe that he was in my house.

"You should take picture. It last longer." Taehyung said while smiling.

I shook my head. "No, he was someone else boyfriend."


"Fine, I'm agree to help Jungkook." I said and they all happily cheering.

"Thank you, noona." Jungkook smile widely.

I nodded. "But Jungkook, you have to understand that I working part time. So, I'm not free all day except weekend."

"Okay. Thank you noona."

"Jungkook! Please behave and do all your assignment. Make sure get a good results and don't bully Jenna!" Jimin said.

"That's right. If you bully her means you bully her baby. You know what will happen if bully them. We will crushed you." Taehyung warning Jungkook.

"I'm promise hyung. Don't worry. I'll try to focused doing my assignment and finish it before the deadline." Jungkook said.

"I hope you held your promise earlier. It's for your future too." Jimin exclaimed.

"I know hyung. I promise." Jungkook nodded.

"Good. But, I'm still unsatisfied." Taehyung pouts.

I raised my eyebrows. "What's makes you feel that? Do you want fruits or desserts? I have some kiwi. Do you want to have some?"

Taehyung shook his head. "I really want to feel Haengbokki kicks. I waiting too long to feel that."

"Me too. I'm dying to feel she kick." Jimin said.

I just giggled and rubbing my tummy. "Sorry guys. She didn't kicking when you guys around me. But, she did when I'm alone."

"Haengbokki was a meanie girl to Taetae samchon." Taehyung pouts again.

"Hyung! Don't say like that. She will hate you when she born later." Jungkook said.

After Jungkook said that, I feel a hard kick on my tummy. I touch my tummy and show a pain face to them.


"What's wrong Jenna? Are you hurt?" Jimin panicked asking.

"Guys... Haengbokki kick. She's kicking!"

Jimin's and Taehyung's hand start roaming around my tummy and they smiling. They don't stop talking to her and Haengbokki answer with kicking.

"Haengbokki~~ you not responding to Jimin samchon and Taehyung samchon. You only respond to Jungkook samchon." Taehyung exclaims.

"Can I feel your tummy, noona?" Jungkook asked.

I nodded and Jungkook touch my tummy. Haengbokki never stop kicking after Jungkook's hand on my tummy. It's the first interaction between Haengbokki and her appa. I really want to capture this moment but I don't want this moment ends.

"Haengbokki~~ why you're so cute? Samchon can't wait to meet you." Jimin said.

"Is it hurt, Jenna?" Taehyung asked.

"Not really but it's hurts sometimes. But today she was so active. She kick a lot today."

"Okay, tomorrow I will come here noona. We will start tomorrow. Thank you for the food noona. It was so delicious." Jungkook said.

"Okay, I will waiting for you." I smiling to him.

"See you later, Jenna. Take care." Taehyung waving me a goodbye.

After they leave, I still can smell Jungkook perfume on my house. But, I can't forget how happy Haengbokki response to her appa. Jungkook didn't say anything but Haengbokki was so actively responding to his touch. Maybe it was their first and last interaction.

21 September 2018

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