82 (Jungkook's POV)

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"Jeon Lea~~ Jeon Leo~~ hurry up." Jenna call the twins from kitchen.

I quickly combed Leo's hair and put his backpack on then he run to kitchen. Lea come to me with colorful rubber bands.

"Appa, I want you braiding my hair." Lea said.

"Princess, I don't know how to. Let's make ponytail, okay?" I said.

She shook her head. "But, I look beautiful when my hair braided. Please appa."

I sighed. "You always look beautiful, princess. Let's ask help from your eomma."

I carry her to kitchen and saw Leo already eat his breakfast. "Eomma, help me braiding my hair." Lea said to Jenna.

Jenna quickly braiding Lea's hair and done within two minutes. Jenna then kissed Lea's head and put her breakfast plate in front of her.

"Appa is sorry. I don't know how to. Appa promise to learn how to braiding hair soon, okay princess?"

Lea nodded while munching her pancake. "I like pancake with strawberry, eomma."

"I like with banana." Leo said.

"Eat your breakfast faster. Your bus will come here soon." Jenna said.

Both of them quickly finish their pancake and milk. "Thank you appa and eomma for delicious breakfast." Twins said.

Lea and Leo put their backpack on and went to Jenna. "I want kiss eomma and baby." They run to kiss Jenna on lips and kiss Jenna's tummy.

Yes, finally, we will expecting another baby. Jenna currently in her nine month of pregnancy and she can deliver anytime soon. Since then, I just work from home. I don't want to leave her alone.

"I love eomma, appa and baby so much." Lea said.

"Me too. I love all my family." Leo said.

"Eomma and appa love you both too." I said and kiss their chubby cheeks.

After sending Lea and Leo to school, I went to my house. The moment I enter, I heard the plate fall on the floor and Jenna's screams.

"Yeobo?" I run fast to kitchen and saw Jenna laying down on the floor.

"Yeobo! What's wrong?" I went to her and saw some her face was in pain.

"I think my water broke." She said and I notice her dress was wet.

"Okay. Let's change your clothes then we go to hospital." I kiss her forehead and carry her to our bedroom.

I help Jenna putting on her clothes and collect her purse and phone to her bag. Luckily, we had prepared early for maternity bag.

"You wait here, yeobo. I will put the bags first then I will carry you to car, okay?" She nodded and I run as fast as I can to my car.

After make sure all the important things had been in the car, I went back to house to carry Jenna. I know she having her contractions pain based on her face.

Driving to hospital was challenging. I wish I had the sirens on my car. The traffic was horrible and Jenna was in pain.

"Hubby, no need to rushing. I can bear the pain." Jenna said.

"I'm sorry. I was afraid anything will happen to you and baby if I was late. I'm sorry." I said.

When we arrived at the hospital, Jenna was bring to emergency while I park my car. I run to emergency room and found Jenna was being examined by a doctor.

"I'm the husband." I said to doctor.

"Oh, your wife already eight centimeters dilated. We will move her to labor room right now." She said.

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