56 (Jungkook's POV)

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"Unnie, this is my brother, Jeon Jungkook." Jihye said while hug me.

I notice she was shock with my existence in front of her because I was shock too. Her eyes widened and looking a bit pale.

"Oppa, this is-"

"Hoo Jenna." I cut Jihye's words.

"Huh? You know unnie?" Jihye asked.

"We're going to same university. Am I right, Jenna sshi?" I asked.

She nodded and smile. "Yes Jihye. I already know your brother."

"That's great! It's make my job easier." My father said.

"What easier, appa?" I asked.

"Nothing. Let's eat first. Jihye, call the twins, they must be hungry." My mother said.


I saw Jihye go to upstairs and we all go dining room. I want to sit beside Jenna but I don't want my family suspicious to me. Then, I heard kids laughing and running steps to me.

"Eomma... Jihye immo was scary." I heard kids voice.

Then, I saw two beautiful kids enter the dining room with Jihye. One girl and one boy. Both of them was beautiful.

"Isn't Eomma said don't run here?" Jenna said.

"I'm sorry, eomma." The girl said.

"It's okay, Jenna. They're kids. Lea, Leo, come sit. Are you hungry?" My mother asked the kids.

"Don't you want to greet that samchon?" Jenna asked and point to me.

They go to beside me. "Annyeonghaseyo, my name is Hoo Lea." The girl said.

"And my name is Hoo Leo." The boy said.

"Annyeong~ my name Jeon Jungkook. I was Jihye immo oppa." I said.

"I was your appa" I wish I can say that.

Truthfully, I want to hug and kiss both of them. They are my children!

"Okay, let's eat!" My father said.

We all eat and my family was talking a lot. My eyes was looking to three beautiful person in front of me. The person that I miss the most.

"Jenna, please eat more. Give the twins more food." My mother said.

"Yes eomma. I already full. All of this was delicious." Jenna said.

She call my mother, eomma? By the way, she still beautiful and more beautiful I think.

"Well thank you. Lea, Leo what do you like the most?" My mother asked.

"I like chicken!" The twins said at the same time.

"Chicken? Halmeonie make that!" Jihye said.

"Thank you halmeonie because make a delicious chicken." Lea said.

"Thank you halmeonie!" Leo said.

"Awww... most welcome babies. Eat a lot." My mother said.

"They're always fans of chicken." Jenna said.

After eat, all of us sit at living room. We was chatting and have some tea. Jihye was playing with Lea and Leo.

"Jenna, I have some issue to be talked with you." My father said.

"Yes, Mr. President. What is it?" Henna asked.

"Jihye, can you bring the kids away?" My mother said.

Jihye nodded. "Do you want to have ice cream at immo room?"

"Yes!" The twins answer. Jihye taken the kids away and bring them upstairs.

"Jenna, actually today was the last day you working with me." My father said.

"Why Mr. President? What have I do wrong?" Jenna asked with trembling voice.

"Jenna, it's not what you thinking. Actually, I want you work with Jungkook in the future. He will be the CEO." My mother said.

"You're the best candidate to being his secretary and personal assistant. Don't worry, I will increase your salary." My father said.

"Mr. President, I don't mind with the salary. The current salary was already good for me. But, why me? I like to work with you." Jenna said.

"Why you don't want to work with me, Jenna sshi?" I asked.

She looked at me. "It's not like that, Mr. Jeon. But I think there is more qualified candidates outside there." Jenna said.

"No. I want you as my secretary and personal assistant." I said and smirk.

I notice that she was mad at me and she was control it because of my parents.

"See, Jungkook wants you." My mother said.

"Jenna, don't worry. You still my best worker. You help me a lot and now I want you to help Jungkook. You have the great experience." My father said.

"Please Jenna. Work with Jungkook?" My mother said.

Finally, Jenna nodded. "Okay. I will work with Mr. Jeon Jungkook." Jenna said and smile to my mother.

Yes! I want run and hug her at the moment. Well, thank you appa for make Jenna being my secretary and personal assistant. So that's mean, I will spend a lot of time with her after this.

"Thank you, Jenna." My mother said and kiss her cheek.

"Jenna, you can call me appa too. No need to call me Mr. President all the time." My father said.

Jenna nodded and after that Jihye come down with the twins. Their face was so messy because of ice cream.

"Eomma, this is so yummy." Lea said and sit at Jenna's lap. She continue eat the ice cream.

"Leo, come sit here with immo." Leo nodded and sit at Jihye's lap.

I touch his chubby cheek and he look at me. "Samchon, do you want some?"

I nodded. He then scoop the ice cream and feed me. "Thank you." I said.

"It's delicious right?" He asked. I nodded and he gigled.

"I want to give samchon too." Lea said and run to me.

She copied Leo's action and waiting for my reply. "Thank you princess. It's so delicious." She smile then run back to Jenna.

After the twins finish their ice cream, they go to wash their face and looking clean when come back to living room.

"I think I need to leave. It's already pass the twins sleeping time." Jenna said.

I look at twins and they already look tired and sleepy. But still they are so cute.

"Thank you for the food. It was so delicious eomma, a-appa." Jenna said.

"You're welcome. You should come here often. I want to play with twins." My mother said.

"Lea, Leo say goodbye." Jenna said.

"Goodbye haraboeji, halmoeni, samchon, immo." They said in sleepy voice.

"Aigoo... they're sleepy already." My father said.

After Jihye and my mother shower the twins with kisses, Jenna finally went to her home. I can't wait to Monday.

I meet you again my love.


03 March 2019

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