37 (Insung's POV)

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"Where are you going oppa?" Jenna ask me as soon as I entered her room.

"I'm looking for a coffee at the cafe but there's so many people."

"You can order it from here. Just call them." She said.

I nodded and sit in front of her. "So, have you thinking about that?"

"About what?"

I sigh. "About earlier. I ask you to become my girlfriend so I will take care of you and your babies."

She just keep silent and looking at her hands. I hold her hands and caress them.

"You still want that Jungkook right?" I ask.

She nodded and that breaks my heart. I don't want she continuously getting hurt whenever she with that boy.

"Even though I know I will never had a chance with him, I'm still have my hope with him, oppa." She said in cracked voice.

"What's is wrong with me? Why you don't want to accept me? Is it because Jungkook was the father of your babies?"

"Nothing wrong with you oppa. You're so perfect. It's just Jungkook was my first love. I love him so much..."

"But I love you. And he doesn't love you. Please Jenna, I promise I will take care of you and the babies well."

She come to my embrace and hug me. She was crying so hard and it's continuously breaks my heart.

"I just don't want you to get hurt after this. I want to make you happy. Make you the happiest woman ever." I caress her hair.

She lift her head from my chest and looking at me with her teary eyes. I wiped off her tears and she just let me do that.

"I know it's hard to forget our first love. I know it's hard to move on but we have to right? It's for our own good." I said and kissed her forehead.

She nodded and hugged me back. "I know oppa." She suddenly kiss my cheek.

"What's was that?" I asked her.

She blush and avoid my eyes. "I'm trying to accept you in my life."

I smile and lift her chin, makes she look at me. "I know you need a time to accept me. I'll wait for you." I kissed her nose after that.

I pulled her to my embrace and hug her. She became calm and hug me back. I kissed top of her head and she just giggled.

"It's relief when heard your giggles, Jenna." I said.

She just smile and hugged me more tight. "Can we ask the doctor to run an ultrasound? I want to see the twins."

"Of course you can. I will ask the the nurse after this. I also want to see them."


"I'm so nervous, oppa." She said when we are the way to doctor's room.

"Don't be. I'm always beside you." I said and kissed her temples.

"Good afternoon doctor." We greet the doctor.

"Good afternoon young couple. Have a sit."

"We are here because want to do ultrasound." I said.

"I know. Please lay at that bed, sweetie."

Jenna nodded and I helped her. I notice that she hold my hands tight. Probably because she's nervous. I saw the doctor put some kind of jelly on Jenna's tummy and I immediately take out my phone. I want to record this scene even the babies inside there wasn't my child.

"Ready?" The doctor asked.

We both nodded and doctor start doing the procedure. The machine roaming around Jenna's tummy and the doctor smile.

"Here they are." The doctor said.

"Are they really twins?" Jenna asked.

The doctor nodded and Jenna burst in tears. I patted her head and kissed her forehead.

"Why I don't know when I run the ultrasound before?" She asked.

"It's happens before. Many couples already experienced this. It's normal, sweetie."

"Can we know their gender?" I asked.

"Of course. Wait a minute."

"You have a pair twins. Boy and girl. Now, let's listen to their heartbeat."

In a minute, the babies heartbeat can be heard in doctor's room. Jenna burst in tears again, and I also lost to that. It's the most beautiful sound that I ever heard.

"You guys will make the great babies." The doctor said.

I know. I wish the babies was mine.


"Do you want to eat anything?" I asked when we already back from doctor's room.

"Why? Are you hungry oppa?"

"A bit. Just want to eat some snacks."

She pout. "I don't want snacks. I want rice."

I smile. "What kind of rice?"

"I want kimchi fried rice."

"That's all?"

"Mmmmm... I want chicken wings too and fish nugget and green tea ice cream and carrot juice. But, I want dessert too, cheese cake sound delicious. I want cheese cake too, oppa."

"Woowwww!!! How many food did you want?" I asked.

"Many. Besides, I was so hungry right now."

"It was me who was hungry earlier. What rewards did I get if I buy you all of this?"

She smile and cupped my face then peppering kisses on my face. But, she do something that I don't expect. She put her lips on mine and kiss me. Even the kiss just last ten seconds but it was the best kiss that I have. Her lips are so soft and addictive.

She smile and look at me. "Can you hurry up oppa?

I pinch her cheeks and nodded. I immediately went to cafe after kiss her forehead.

God! I'm fucking love my life now.


22 February 2019

Stupid | J.J.Kحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن