66 - "I do."

35 2 4

Fall 2021 - The wedding


"Could you please sit still?" Sage asks, the annoyance clear in her voice. "I'm trying to make something of this."

She holds up my long hair that I haven't really cared for in months time. I can't even remember the last time I got it cut. Luckily for me Sage knows how to style someone so I trust her completely to make something nice out of it. If I sit still, which I find hard. 

"I'm trying my best," I tell her, looking ahead of me again. 

"Try harder or I might burn your hair off," she threatens and I see her waving with the curling iron she's using to make my hair a little less straight. 

I can only smile, happy with the way she's making me look. The makeup she has put on is a lot more subtle than her own usual look, but it looks glamorous on my usually bare face. Combined with the lovely, flowy dress, I look like a real bride. 

After Sage is done with my hair she sprays some of her perfume around me and then looks at me through the mirror. 

"You look so beautiful," she whispers and I feel like it too. 

"Thank you for making me look beautiful," I tell her and she tries to wave away the tears that are filling up her eyes. 

"My pleasure," she mutters. "Can't believe the day is finally here."

As I look around Sage's hotel room that is filled with toys from Calum and Nick's clothes, I feel the same. They're all in uncle Theo's room getting ready. Calum has just starting to walk, but he's a little bit too unstable to be the ring bearer or that would have been really cute. For now we just all hope that he can sit through the ceremony and stay up for as long as possible so that both his parents can enjoy the party later tonight. It's strange to think that by then Harry and I will be husband and wife. We've joked about, lived towards this moment, but now that it is finally here something doesn't feel entirely right and it has nothing to do with my beautiful gown or my love for Harry, but everything with the people we're missing today. One person in particular - my father. 

He's here in Palas, I made sure he is because he told Harry he wanted his ashes to be scattered here. I'm not sure if he expected me to just drop his urn down a cliff, but that is what I did and I haven't been back there for a long time. The last time me and Harry were in Palas I ignored the place, but now that we're getting married a few months later, I can't ignore it any longer.

"I need to go," I say to Sage. "I'll be back in time."

"What? Wait," she hurries after me as I exit the room in a rapid speed, "where are you going?"

"Just something I have to do," I tell her, but it doesn't ease the worry in her eyes. "Don't worry. I'll be okay."

She gives me a tight nod and I hope I have convinced her while I flee out of the hotel. It is located near the strip as almost all hotels are in Palas. Since the ceremony will be on the beach it is a nice enough location close to the beach and the beautiful restaurant where we'll have dinner and a party later on. We can all walk home tonight and sleep in the hotel. Some of us already leaving later tomorrow while other's added on a nice holiday for themselves. Me and Harry decided to stay a little while longer, but not for long since the shop can't do without him. Jason is here as well which means that Stories is closed and it can't be closed for long periods of time. It is too popular. 

The strip is not as busy since it is only three in the afternoon. In an hour I'm meant to be at the beach waiting with uncle Theo to walk down a make believe aisle. I can't wait to see Harry after sleeping apart for only one night and see that he's alright. That he too is into this for more than a hundredth percent. I'm also very curious to see what he's wearing. Harry in a suit is something that I haven't seen a lot off and I like it a lot on him. 

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