Chapter Three

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James honestly didn't know what to make of the situation he had found himself in and if he thought Sirius was going to be any better, he was definitely wrong

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James honestly didn't know what to make of the situation he had found himself in and if he thought Sirius was going to be any better, he was definitely wrong. With the woman collapsing to the ground at the sight of blood, her small dog growling as anyone made any attempt to near her body, it was turning into a further mess. However, in the midst of it all, Harry had found a source of amusement as he clapped his hands together and laughed. Perhaps as a toddler, he wasn't picking up on the social cues that it was a stressful situation for everyone involved, but at the same time, James was thrilled that his son wasn't crying or distressed.

Sirius obviously had enough of the small dog barking at him and subdued him with his wand, stunning the dog as it fell over with a yelp. James was about to scold his friend for using magic in the public eye, until he noted that the woman who had collapsed, also had a wand on her person.  She was a witch, one that he had never seen before, even though she didn't appear to be much younger than he or Sirius.

"It's not that bad of a bite," Sirius assessed the situation as he propped the woman's body to sit up in his arms, " nothing more than a scratch. I wonder what made her go down like that?"

"I think it was the blood," James answered as he carried Harry in his arms, "you might want to check the back of her head, see if she hit when she fell. Do you think we should bring her to St Mungo's?"

"What? So they can laugh at us for not being able to mend a simple scratch? Come on, Prongs," Sirius shook his head, " I think we can manage a little dog bite."

Sirius was right, an injury that small was easily fixable, but James found himself just wrapped in a whirl of panic. He didn't know what she was going to make of it all when she finally woke up, it wasn't every day that someone came upon an animagus in the park and certainly, it was rare for a household pet and an animagus to get into a fight of sorts. Before Sirius could mend the side of the woman's face, she began to stir, groaning as she went to lift her hand to the back of her head.

Seeing that her hand was bloody from where she had touched the side of her face, not to mention her bloody cheek, James was fast with his wand, using the Tergeo incantation to clear away all the blood in hopes that she wouldn't faint again. Sirius followed with Episkey to remove any signs of the incident ever happening. With Sirius' help, she was able to remain upright as her eyes fluttered a bit, trying to gain focus of the scene around her.

"Are you alright?" James was the first to ask. "You took a nasty spill there."

"Uh, yes," she replied, looking highly embarrassed to be on the ground, " I, um, I'm fine. Is your son alright?"

The two adults turned their gaze to the happy Harry that was situated in his father's arms and James remembered that he had accused the woman's dog of going after Harry during the chaotic moment.

"He's fine," he told her, " but really, are you-"

"Yes, yes, yes," she waved her hand to dismiss anymore discussion of her injuries. But as she went to stand up, it was clear that she was still a bit wobbly as she nearly fell right over, until Sirius grabbed her by the back of the robes to steady out her balance. One of her hands remained resting on the back of her head, and she truly looked shameful of herself as she stood in front of the two men as if she were a scolded child.

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