Chapter Six

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Renata had to admit, she didn't think she was fully qualified for the position as a nanny, especially to a boy as famous as Harry Potter

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Renata had to admit, she didn't think she was fully qualified for the position as a nanny, especially to a boy as famous as Harry Potter. She could only imagine the horrors that would fall upon her if something bad happened to him while he was under her watch and care. Not only would she have an angry father after her, but the possibility of the entire wizarding world looking to hunt her down. She hadn't been so nervous in the beginning but after telling Adelmo about it, he did raise some concerns to her mind that left her wary of the idea. 

Thankfully, James reassured her that in the beginning that he was going to be there when they had their interactions, basically, he was just inviting her over to the home so that she could play with Harry. That was another thing that sounded odd, not that she was complaining, but it certainly felt odd she was being paid for it. But it was a job, that's what Adelmo kept reminding her, it was a job and it was hopefully one that she couldn't ruin.

After all, she had a feeling that her family was losing hope in her abilities to do anything. Her parents had such high hopes for her when it came to becoming an Auror and Renata felt as though she had brought upon the biggest sense of disappointment by not being able to fulfil that dream. In their eyes, she knew a position as a nanny was not going to go over well, she knew that they would see it as lacking ambition. She could just hear her mother's voice, telling her that she could do so much better.

But with her limitations and the way she managed to always cause an issue, Renata didn't think she was capable of doing much better. She was just hoping that she could manage such a responsibility of playing with a toddler. 

Already full of nerves before arriving at the designated address that James had provided her with, Renata found herself slightly twitchy outside of the door she was about to knock on. Not to mention, quite confused by the layout of the flat where Harry and James lived. It was no secret around the wizarding world that the Potter family had quite the fortune to their name, by the means of Fleamont Potter, who created the Sleekeazy's Hair Potion, that was world renowned for those with crazy hair. However, the home that Harry and James seemed to live in appeared relatively small compared to what Renata had made up in her mind.

She was expecting a home of grand luxury, too big for just a father and son, only to end up scolding herself for making quick assumptions. Everyone who was aware of the story knew that the Potter home in Godric's Hollow had practically been destroyed that very same evening of the attack. No one could expect them to return there after such a night.

Knocking on the door gently, Renata waited patiently outside, glancing up at the sky as she saw the approaching grey clouds. Another day of rain it seemed, no surprise there, she thought to herself. During the summers in Italy there were plenty of thunderstorms but during the other seasons it usually seemed to wean off. But living in the U.K. it never seemed to stop raining. At first, Renata found it to be rather gloomy in comparison as she missed long days of sun, but then she just seemed to get used to it over time.

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