Chapter Forty-Eight

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While the day had started off as a tragic mess of drama and chaos, Renata and James were glad to say that it ended on a much better note

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While the day had started off as a tragic mess of drama and chaos, Renata and James were glad to say that it ended on a much better note. With Harry having his company of Neville and Ron staying over for the night, Renata brought the boys in as it began to rain, while James decided to prepare dinner. Although he wouldn't tell Renata what he was cooking because he wanted it to be a surprise. Which was fine with her until she was booted out of the kitchen with the boys, as James didn't want any sort of help. The idea made her slightly nervous, but she decided to put full trust in his abilities. After all, she was a witness to how perfect the breakfast crêpes had turned out that he made in anticipation of her mother's arrival.

Perhaps if Alcina had allowed herself to have a taste of what James had made, she would have loved him right on the spot. Of course, that thought was far out there, but Renata could have her dreams. She was still carrying the disappointment in her mother for how Alcina had behaved during her visit. It made her want to reach out to her father and ask him if there was anything going on at home that she should be aware of because she never remembered her mother acting so cruel.

But then again, Renata had never gone against her mother's wishes in the past, she was practically always in Alcina's good graces, so maybe this is what her mother was truly like when she didn't get her way. Even though Renata had done nothing wrong, she still felt terrible for what Alcina had said to Adelmo and to James.

It certainly did hurt when Alcina basically called her a foolish whore for choosing James and Harry over a career as an Auror and not marrying someone back home, but she couldn't believe that Alcina would bring up Lily's death to strengthen her argument, nor would she not even greet her own son before degrading the state of his flat.

She had no idea what it meant for the relationship between her and her mother because if Alcina was going to act in such horrible ways, Renata wanted nothing to do with it. But at the same time, it was her mother and before all the drama had gone down, Renata would have liked to believe that they were relatively close. Yet, she wasn't sure anymore, the cold exterior that she witnessed convinced her otherwise. Her mother wasn't supportive of what made her happy or what made Adelmo happy.

It seemed Alcina Abate was just waiting for her children to make mistakes that would bring them "home" and back in her control.

Well, Renata wasn't interested in those plans, she had found her sources of happiness and she was planning on keeping them.

"Nanata," Harry called to her, drawing her out of her thoughts at one point. She was sitting in the living room with all three boys standing before her, Harry holding up a book for her to read to them. It seemed she had read every single book to Harry at least twice, but he never grew tired of them. As she took the book from his hands to look over the title, Harry took the opportunity to place himself in her lap.

He scooted down until he was in a slouching position before letting out a content sigh to let her know that he was extremely comfortable and that she was not allowed to move. Renata chuckled making a face before Neville and Ron took to cosying up in her sides to listen to the fairytale stories that were to be read.

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