Chapter Twenty-Eight

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With the anticipation of not only Ron but Neville as well, showing up in the morning for another playdate with Harry, Renata and James had to cut their evening conversation short

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With the anticipation of not only Ron but Neville as well, showing up in the morning for another playdate with Harry, Renata and James had to cut their evening conversation short. As much as they didn't want to leave the company of each other, Renata made it a point that the boys were going to be full of energy and ready to go, so they were going to need a good night's rest. James didn't want her to leave for several reasons as he watched her climb out of the hammock first. The first one was that he really wanted more of an explanation when it came to Renata's home life. In his mind, he was beginning to think that something terribly wrong had gone on during her childhood, something either she didn't want to come to terms with or she wasn't even aware of.

It reminded him of Sirius, very early on when they met and became friends shortly after the Sorting Hat Ceremony. For the longest time, Sirius couldn't process that the way his family was treating him was abusive, the way they belittled him for being sorted into Gryffindor and the way they treated him at home. He thought they were only saying things for "his own good" even if deep down he didn't agree with any of the pureblooded prejudice beliefs. It had taken a while, but with the help of James, Remus, and Peter, Sirius was finally able to open his eyes and just see how bad things truly were.

Maybe that's what Renata and Adelmo were facing, it sure sounded like that to James, but she continued to brush it off as if it wasn't very important.

And on top of that, James didn't want her to leave the hammock because he didn't want the night to really end. There some evenings where he could just spend the entire night, swinging back and forth in the hammock with her. Neither one of them ever had to say a word and it would remain just as perfect. Some nights he would fall asleep or Renata would fall asleep first because it was so incredibly peaceful. If nights were cold, one of them would bring out a blanket to share and it just made it even more relaxing if it were possible.

However, maybe Renata didn't feel the same way he did and he had to respect the fact that when she said "good night" that she wished to go her separate way. He muttered a good night in return before he heard the door to the kitchen area close over, leaving him alone outside for the time being.

Remus' words lingered in his head, telling him to approach Renata about the way she addressed him. It didn't seem like such a big deal but James had a tendency to overdramatise certain things, that being one of them. But he couldn't help it, there were all these new feelings he experienced for the first time that he wasn't sure what to do?

Back in school, he had no problem approaching Lily to ask her on a date over a hundred times a day. It never bothered him, he never felt scared, he was the epitome of bold and confident. Or as Lily would say at the time, he was " an arrogant toerag."

But faced with the task of asking Renata to call him James a few years later, it almost posing itself as one of the biggest challenges of his life. He didn't understand why he found it to be so difficult, especially since Remus and Sirius had taken to reassure him that he would fine. They couldn't agree on anything else at the time, but they could both come to the same conclusion that James should approach her about it if it bothered him so much.

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