Chapter 8: Maybe 'Goodnight' Will Be Our Always?

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"It's gonna take more then just some music to get me out of bed Kol." I whispered from under the sheet. Kol had tried to wake me for nearly an hour now because he wanted to give me my birthday present.

It was still the same day but just the early evening. I would rather sleep than get up but Kol wasn't having it, he had tried everything to get me up but it wasnt really working.

Nothing seperates me from sleeping.

"Stop being so boring. Come on, please." Kol begged from beside me, he was putting on a whiny voice which I always hated.

"Fine. Give me 10 minutes." I sighed, rubbing my face into the pillow that was underneath me. I felt Kol's lips press against my temple and then the weight on his side of the bed lifted.

He had left the room so I could get ready. I stretched as hard as I could and made a noise that sounded like a dying animal before sitting up in bed and running a hand through my messy hair.

I looked over to the end of the bed, there was a box wrapped up neatly just placed on the bed. I frowned and scurried over to it, pulling the strings of the bow and carefully peeling back the wrapping paper.

What ever was inside the bow was wrapped up in tissue paper and above that was a card. Well, not really a card but a piece of card with writing on it.

The card read:

Put this on, wear it for tonight - Kol x

Kol had gone clothes shopping for me? That was new. I placed the card next to box and ripped open the wrapping paper, expecting a fancy kind of dress.

Oh was I wrong.

It was an Adventure Time crop top with a new pair of skinny jeans underneath it.

I think I could have died at that moment. Kol actually remembered with my favourite cartoon was Adventure Time.

He hated it because he thought it was childish.

I started humming the tune in my head.

I practically sprinted to the shower to get clean as I still had some blood on my stomach from earlier. Thinking about earlier, I wonder what actually happened? Because I have no idea.

I washed myself and dried myself as quickly as I could all because I wanted to put the clothes on.

Of course, they both fitted perfectly and it wasnt until I looked around the other side of the bed that there was another box that I didnt realise was there.

It was similarly wrapped but a bit bigger. It took no time for me to rip it open and gasp at the pair of dark-grey combat boots inside it.

I guessed Kol wanted me to wear those too so I slipped them on, and again, Kol knew my shoe size. There was a litle bag in with the shoes which turned out to be jewellery.

It was a small, simple black studded cross with a delicate silver chain.

Seriously, Kol knew me too well it was scary.

I added the necklace to my outfit and quickly done my make up before rushing dow the stairs. I didnt put much make up on as I didnt know what we were going to be doing.

Kol was in the lounge when I got downstairs. He was lying on the couch and drumming his fingers together. He glanced up immediately on my arrival and grinned.

"Perfect," In a second he was next to me and taking my hand in his "Time to go."

"Where are we going?" I asked as he pulled me out the house.

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