Chapter 27: Valentina Roseletti Lies and Switches

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A/N Valentina is on the side. Her eyes aren't very blue because they're dark :)

Plus, play the song when I say... Enjoy!:)

"Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes." I smirked as Damien tried to pull himself up from the bed he was lying on.

There was a girl next to him, presumably dead considering the amount of blood pooling around her neck area. There were empty bottles of alcohol scattered around the place with some party streamers to add to it.

Luckily, no one had seen me yet. We drove to where Damien said he would be and this is where we ended up.

Damien had a hangover from partying so he was a bit slow. He finally managed to get up but when he did he stumbled slightly and tried to regain his balance.

I guess he was still slightly intoxicated.

He attempted to give me the 'Dont even start' face but it failed miserably.

"I'm not sharing a car with you if you're gonna puke everywhere." I grimaced at the thought and Alex wrapped his arm around Damien's side so he could help him out the house.

Apparently Damien was at a party and this was some random persons house that he had crashed in.

We dumped Damien in the car to give him time to recover from his party and went to the grill. Alex managed to convince me to go there because he needed a drink.

There, thankfully, weren't many people in the grill and I didn't see anyone I knew. Unluckily, Matt was working at the bar.

Of course he would be there considering he works there...

His eyes widened when he saw me and he moved away from talking to his coworker.

"Violet? Where have you been? We've been looking for you." He asked as Alex and I sat at the bar. Matt's eyes flickered to Alex then back to me "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine. This a friend, Matt. This is Alex." I introduced

"Yea, can I have a bourbon please?" Alex asked, not really caring if Matt was my friend of not.

Matt glared at Alex before going off to make him a drink.

I left him at the bar as I needed the toilet so I went off in that direction.

I didn't make it far as a familiar British accent stopped me in my travel.

"Violet." Elijah spoke out and I turned to him. He had been sitting in a booth by himself but now he was standing.

"Elijah." I greeted "How's everything been?"

"A tad chaotic since you left." Elijah smirked "Kol wasn't happy."

"Kol's back?" I asked, a little to eager for my own liking. It seemed Elijah found my eagerness funny and he chuckled lightly.

"Yes. Not long after people started to notice you were gone."

"Is he at the mansion?" Elijah nodded and I bid him a farewell. I practically ran to the bathroom and once I was finished I rushed back to Alex as he was drinking his bourbon.

"I have to go somewhere, I wont be lo-" I paused and thought. This was Kol I was going to see so... I may need a bit longer "Actually. I may be a while. Meet you back here or at the car in an hour or so?"

Alex nodded and went back to his drink. I was surprised that he would let me go but I didn't need him to tell me twice.

I used my vampire speed to rush to the mansion. I was half way there when a aching feeling made itself home in my jaw and my stomach.

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