Chapter 28: Flashbacks

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A/N My attempt to do a vampire edit of Violet on the side... I know its crap, Sorry!:) x

Ew. There were leaves in my hair. I sat up and I suddenly felt a chill over my body.

It was then that I realized that I was only in my underwear. Light breathing from next to me revealed Damien sleeping quietly.

Oh yea, I remember what happened. But right now that didn't matter, I was cold and wanted clothes.

From what I could tell, the nearest place from here was the Mikaelson mansion. I left Damien where he was, he doesn't need me to wake him up or anything like that.

We hadn't made it far into the woods as after a minute or so I was at the road we were at yesterday. There were still pieces of glass on the floor from where I smashed my empty bottle.

A couple of cars passed as I walked down the road, mostly honking their horns at my practically naked body.

Some guy even stopped his car and got out to see if I would hook up with him. I said no and killed him. He could have been politer about it to be honest.

I needed a drink anyway. If I was going to the mansion, there was probably going to be a lot of fighting so I needed the strength.

Instead of walking the rest of the way I used my vampire speed to get there, enter the house and appear in Kol's room.

Thank god he wasn't in there but I could hear movement in the house so I would have to be quick to steal some of his clothes.

I was just pulling out a shirt from his wardrobe when someone came in.

"Hello Kol." I greeted without turning around. I knew it was him "What brings you here?"

"This is my room." He replied, appearing at my side.

"Oh yea. Sorry, I was looking for Klaus' room." I smirked slyly, knowing it would annoy him. I saw his pissed off expression which only made me smirk more.

I yanked the top over my head which sat comfortably on my body. The top was long enough to cover over my butt so I want bothered with anything on my bottom.

"Listen Violet, about Valentina-"

"Seriously Kol, I do not care about you and Valentina. The only thing I care about is killing her." I smiled sweetly at him and went to leave the room as I had got what I came for.

I didn't get far as the next thing I knew I was pinned up against the wall with Kol in front of me.

"It was a mistake Violet! Why wont you listen!" Kol let out with a frustrated growl.

"You should have realized it was her Kol!" I shouted back "She has blue eyes and I have brown. how did you not see?"

"I was to happy with the thought of you being back!" Kol gripped onto my shirt tighter "I wasn't thinking. All I saw was you."

I stayed silent and just pushed him off.

"Maybe that's the problem." I let out a small chuckle "You love me too much to think. Well guess what Kol, this is it. We're over."

And with that, I left the room.

There was something in the back of my mind that was screaming at me to go back to him but when I welcomed no emotions, it vanished and I continued to walk as if I hadn't just broken up with the man I used to love.

Since I was here, I may as well get myself a drink considering I finished the other bottle I had last night.

The living room was empty so I gladly grabbed myself a glass and poured myself a drink. The sound of the front door opening and closing put a smile on my face.

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