Chapter 13: Aneurysms and Waking Up To Kisses... What Next?

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*3rd Person's POV*

It had been 3 days since the Mikaelson brothers found out what had happened to Violet and she was still asleep from the spell.

"It's been too long." Kol growled, pacing backwards and forwards beside the bed. He hadn't slept much, always stayed awake incase she woke up.

Klaus pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed at his brothers frustration.

"Getting worked up wont help Kol. I'll call my witch, maybe he'll know something." Klaus said, bringing his phone out of his pocket and pressing the screen.

The phone rang for a few moments before a gruff voice spoke down the line

"Yes, Klaus?"

"Disturbing something am I Jason?" He chimed, there was a sigh and some muffled talking down the line before Jason answered.

"No, Klaus. What can I do for you?"

"I need some enlightening on a spell that a friend of mine has cast." Klaus informed, he looked over the grimoire and read out the spell.

"Sleeping spell? That one particular can only have the subject awakened by a kiss." Jason replied.

"A kiss? Kind of fairytale right? So I just get her boyfriend to kiss her and then that's it?" Klaus said, a spark of hoping lighting in him.

"Well... It's not that much of a fairytale. The kiss has to be done my the person she was last thinking of before she cast the spell."

Klaus growled in frustration and hung up without finishing the call. Kol of course, heard what Jason said and was already two steps ahead, placing his lips onto Violet's as she slept.

At first, he thought she had stirred awake but then, nothing. Her slumber continued.

"Damn it." Kol cursed, holding his head with his free hand.

"We have no idea who Violet was thinking about. She could be like this forever." Klaus let out another frustrated growl. His eyes met his brothers and after a second he shook his head.

"No. I'm not doing it, she's your girl. Not mine." Klaus argued, knowing exactly what Kol wanted him to do.

"It doesn't matter about your feelings Niklaus! She has to be woken up!" Kol shouted, leaving Violet's side and standing in front of his brother. Klaus looked down to the floor.

"Please Nik." Kol whispered as Klaus' head still hung low. Kol didn't know what he would be able to do if Violet couldn't wake.

Kol looked down to the silver ring on his finger before stalking out the room, slamming the door behind him. If his brother would do it, he didn't want to be there to watch.

Klaus slowly brought his head up to see Violet just lying on the bed. If only they had just waited for her to fall asleep naturally and not rushed into it.

Eventually he was at her side like Kol was before, leaning over. The main reason he didn't want to do it was because if she would wake up, she would go straight to Kol, not giving a damn about him.

Letting out a final sigh he bent down and pushed his lips to hers. It's like sparks erupted in his stomach like that night at the ball.

At first, nothing happened and Klaus just thought it was another dead end... Until Violet started to kiss back.

*Violet's POV*

I think this was the first time I had ever woken up by someone kissing me. My eyes still didn't want to cooperate with me so they remained closed.

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