Chapter 10: OMG TAYLOR

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I was vaguely aware of the talking around me but I was confused since I was still in the car and I didn't know where the voices were coming from.

I squinted my eyes open slightly to reveal... My room?

I opened my eyes fully and sat up. I was in my bedroom on my bed with Caroline and Elena sitting in here.

"Violet! Finally! You're awake!" Caroline squealed, practically jumping on the bed and hugging the life out of me.

"Yea.. uh sorry. How long have I been back?" I asked, my voice still groggy from sleep.

"Kol dropped you off around 4 hours ago. You were still sleeping and he didn't want to wake you." Elena answered.

I sighed and stretched my arms slightly. I had cramped up from being in the car probably as my side was hurting.

"Where's Kol now?" I asked, Elena and Caroline shared a look and hesitated before speaking.

"Kol had to... leave." Caroline said, looking down to the floor. My whole head flooded with confusion

"What? Why would Kol leave?"

"He went to find out something that happened." Elena answered as Caroline stayed silent. I let out a frustrated growl and face palmed myself.

It was obvious what Kol had done. He took me back here so he couldn't hurt me anymore.

The silence in the room was cut off by Elena's phone ringing

"Hello?" Elena answered, someone down the phone spoke and Elena's eyes narrowed. Caroline frowned also, obviously hearing the conversation.

I just ignored them as Elena carried on talking down the phone. I pulled my covers off of me and went into my bathroom.

I looked gross. Bags under my eyes, my make-up all tacky and horrible from yesterday and my hair was going all horrible too. To make things worse my roots were coming through again.

I had given up with maintaining colour. I'm pretty sure Caroline wouldn't mind me doing my hair while she's out there.

Using a hair stripper, I washed out all the colour until my hair was its usual bright blonde colour.

I washed my body in the process as I was all smelly and gross. I examined the ends of my hair which were really damaged.

I guess I need to visit a hairdresser. Surprisingly, Caroline was still in my room when I came back. She was looking down at her phone and when she looked up at me she looked shocked.

"Did you just... Do your hair?" She asked incredulously. I nodded my head and got dressed into some new clothes.

"Well, Stefan needed to see Elena so what do you wanna do?"

"I don't know anymore," I sighed whilst pulling a top over my shoulders "Go to the grill maybe?"


I also expressed my need to go to the hairdresser so Caroline took me there first. I told the woman who was cutting my hair to take off all the dead hair at the ends.

In the end my hair came to around my shoulders. It was even shorter when the woman curled it. (Picture on the side->)

"Ha, I look like I did before all the colour." I chuckled whilst looking in the mirror.

"You look so different." Caroline said as we walked to the grill as it wasn't far from here.

"Well this it what I looked like for most of my life until I grew my hair out." I admitted.

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