Chapter 45: The End?

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"Get the hell away from me."

Klaus stopped walking towards me and raised his hands as if to calm me down.

"Violet, stop-"

"No! This can't be happening to me again!" I shouted, my breathing becoming erratic as tried to listen to my own heart beat but I couldn't hear anything.

I was in transition again!? Didn't they get the hint last time that I don't want to be a freaking vampire.

Klaus didn't even have to tell me, I knew as soon as I woke up but I couldn't really remember what happened.

My hands went to my head and I attempted to calm myself down but nothing was working. I just wanted to be normal. Is that too much to ask!

Then it hit me. The smell that I hoped I would never enjoy.


It's like all my panic just flew out of me as the scent wafted up my nose, making me take a deep breath in.

My eyes slowly scanned the room until I saw the small crystal glass on Klaus' night stand.

"No." I shook my head as I felt my body pull towards the liquid "I can't do this."

With one final look at Klaus, I sprinted out the room, out the mansion. I just kept on running.

I cant deal with being a vampire. You saw what happened last time!

This was all Esther's fault. If she hadn't put that weird voodoo thing on me then I wouldn't have gone on a murderous rampage to kill Klaus and then Kol wouldn't have had to kill me.

What I didn't understand was why Kol just didn't let me die. He knows I don't want to be a vampire an then he goes and feeds me his blood.

Of course, Kol still has feelings for me.

I can't go home, Caroline will suss out whats going on straight away. So will practically everyone else.

Bonnie will hate me even more than she did before, Elena will probably be the same.

I just needed to hide somewhere and wait out the transition time.

Wherever it would be, it has to be far away from human life otherwise I may not be able to control myself.

It was fairly light out but the trees in the woods I was currently in were blocking out most of the suns rays.

I think it would be better if I stayed in the dark as the sun was making me irritated.

I'm surprised Klaus hasn't appeared in my travel considering he should be able to track me easily.

A breeze picked up and blew through my hair and the trees. What annoyed me was the fact that it didn't feel the same as before.

It's like I couldn't barely feel anything. My skin was cold and pale, I most probably looked like a walking corpse.

Leaves crunched loudly under my feet as I walked aimlessly around, trying to find somewhere to hide.

It wasn't until it began to get dark that I found an old cellar which looked like it had been used not too long ago.

Inside of it, chains hung to the walls which bore claw marks.

Wait. I remember Caroline telling me about Tyler before he became a hybrid.

He had to go somewhere isolated when he turned.

I dragged my fingertips over to the lines that were embedded into the cold, cellar walls.

That must have been scary, turning into a wolf.

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