Chapter 24: Damien Arc And Pizza Nights

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"Well, look at you not-so-colours. All vamped up." Damon smirked as he entered the parlour of the boarding house.

I shot daggers at him and remained seated. Since the whole 'vervain in my drink' thing, there was a little meeting arranged so we were all cautious of what was going on.

There was me, Care, Elena, Damon, Stefan, Bonnie, Tyler and Matt.

"Not the time Damon." Elena defended, knowing I was annoyed with him calling me that. Damon held his hands up to claim innocence.

"Just a quick question, any of you seen anything unusual since Violet showed up?" Stefan asked "Like any suspicious people or anything like that?"

I had to think hard, I may not have been around for much since I moved here but I had some memories.

All these different thoughts were whizzing through my head and I couldn't think of anything.

Nothing was weird when I was with Kol and I've already sorted out what happened in New York with Klaus.

Was there anything weird with Klaus? All the times I had been with him were fairly normal. The painting in the woods, being bitten by Kol, playing pool-

Wait, I distinctly remember when we played pool, Klaus went to get me a drink and there was that guy who was compelling the bartender.

Would he have something to do with it? He seemed nervous at the time if I remember correctly.

"Uh, there was this guy, well a vampire, he was compelling a bartender." I voiced up and everyone looked at me.

"Vampires pass through here all the time." Damon said.

"But he was nervous and kept glancing over to me."

"What? Why?" Caroline asked from beside me on the couch. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Well, its better than nothing." Stefan breathed "What did he look like?"

I described what he looked like and we all split up, hoping he was still in Mystic Falls.

I went with Damon, reluctantly, to the grill to see if he was there. From what I told the others, he had dark black hair, a pale face and looked to be a little taller than me.

I made Damon check to mens bathroom as I ventured around the grill. I sat down at the bar and ordered myself a vodka and coke. Well, I say ordered.... I mean compelled.

"You could be a bit more discreet." A voice sounded behind me. I didn't recognize who it was so I had to physically turn to see who it was.

To my utter surprise, it was the guy we were looking for. I was a tad nervous with him being here considering he could kill me at any moment.

"So could you a few weeks ago." I retorted, my eyes following him as he sat next to me at the bar. He smirked at my response and compelled the same bartender for a bourbon.

Why is it that pretty much all vampires are addicted bourbon?

"You're looking for me I assume?" The guy asked, turning to look at me.

My description was pretty accurate. He had dark hair which was pretty much black and pale skin. To be honest he was also very hot.

"Yea as a matter of fact, I am." I admitted "Why were you so nervous the first time I saw you?"

"Because anyone would in the presence of the Original hybrid and the Libitina witch." He answered, paying for his drink. The what witch?

"Sorry what? The Libi-what witch?" I asked with confusion filling my face.

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