So I've never written one of these before i hope you like it:)

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I wake up sweating as my nerves kick in. Today was going to be a long one. I have 30 minutes to gather up my luggage for my flight from Australia back home to London. I throw on some black cotton shorts and a light blue crop top, immediately regretting my choice of clothes since I'm feeling extra insecure today.

After pinning my hair into a messy bun I decide to make sure my ride to the airport is awake. The walk to his door was filled with awkwardness but as soon as he opened the door with that goofy ass grin on his face I couldn't help but feel happy! "Just wanted to make sure your awake." I said with a smile.

"Of course I'm up, didn't get much sleep knowing my best friend in the whole world is leaving me again." His reply took me by surprise. But then again goodbyes are always tough especially when they come from someone as wonderful as my Ash.

Every good memory I've ever had was because of Ashton. He has been here when no one else was. He has seen me at my best and worst and damn could he make me laugh, no matter what. "Mikey is on his way he wanted to ride with us."

"And what if I didn't want Michael to tag along?" I replied in my most sarcastic voice. His response made my heart melt just a little.

"Jo I know you better than you know yourself and your lads are going to make sure you get on that plane safely." He said your lads. I consider Michael and Ashton like my brothers but just the though of him calling me his and being so protective brought years to my eyes. I couldn't think of what else to do except run and hug him. Ash caught me effortlessly while I wrapped my legs around him,tears flowing from my face onto his shirt.  He rubbed my back while neither of us said a word. I wanted to stay in this moment forever and I hoped he did too. The thought of being without my two best friends was almost unbearable right as I was on the verge of giving up the door flung open.  

"If we are saying goodbyes mine is so going to top yours Ash!" Michael always showed up right when he needed to. We all started laughing. Ashton set me down on the ground and wiped away my tears, I couldn't help but tease him about his long fingers. I was going to miss these boys.

The ride to the airport was filled  with our favorite songs blaring and us jamming right along. We checked my bags and found my gate with 5 minutes to spare, this would be the shortest 5 minutes ever.

Before I know it Michael is standing on a chair yelling for everyone's attention! What the hell is he doing? "Can I have everyone's attention please?" I look at Ash who is giggling like a school girl. "I told you my goodbye would top his." He says as he points to Ashton. "Jo you are my bae. No one will ever have a spot in my heart like you do! I'm gonna get pretty damn deep here and say that I love you more than I love pizza...... I'm kidding about that last part mates but I really do love her." Just then my flight number was called to board and I kissed both their cheeks before I headed home.

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