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Oh my gosh I've missed you all so much! I miss writing chapters for my stories and all that but unfortunately my family hasn't had enough money to pay for the internet. We still won't be able to pay for it for awhile so I will continue to be gone for a bit sadly. Right now I'm writing this on a friends data. She is very kind and I'm lucky to have her. I wanted to ask you guys to please continue to patiently wait for me to get my internet back. Don't worry I will post a new chapter as soon as I get my internet back. I love you all so much.
Also your name is now sugar buns! I had an overwhelming amount of direct messages asking me to choose sugar buns as the name. I love you all so much. Stay healthy and take care of yourselves! I purple you💜

Innocence ~BTS X-reader~Where stories live. Discover now