Nothing Can Stand In Our Way

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You sat at the large table in silence. You stared down at your food, mindlessly.

"Aren't you gonna eat?" Tony Stark asked through a mouthful of mashed potatoes. Silently, you picked up your fork and stabbed a piece of steak, not having an appetite.

Tony then sighed loudly, dropping his utensils on the plate purposely loud. You jumped and looked up to see his annoyed eyes boring into yours.

"How much longer are you going to keep this up, huh?" The man huffed, anger and annoyance emitting from his body. You only stared, and said nothing.

"Seriously, (Y/N)? Are you for real right now?" He pressed. Continuing the string of silence, you stood up, plate and utensils in your hands, and calmly walked to your room.

"Hey! You know you're not allowed to eat in your room!" Tony called after you, and by that moment, you had officially had it with him today. You dropped everything into your left hand and raised your right up to flip your dad off.

"Seriously! You're immature, (Y/N)!" He yelled, but you continued to walk without looking back. You went into your room and shut the door loud behind you, then placed the plate full of food on your desk. You traveled to your bed and laid down in it, bringing the covers to your chin.

And you wanted to stay there forever. You rolled onto your side and stared at the wall, desperately wishing for your billionaire father to not be so protective. Yeah, at times one could say that it was sweet, but you could say that he's controlling and relentless.

Because Tony Stark got what Tony Stark wanted. And if he saw Peter Parker as a threat to you, then he would keep him away from you for as long as possible. And he meant forever.

You and Peter had grown close since he became Spider-Man. You helped him when he came to your house, which was Stark Tower, and aid him with whatever he needed. Soon, you had formed a crush on him, just as he had done to you. And your father noticed.

Tony believed that dating Spider-Man would put you in danger, so he ended it.

Whenever Peter came to Stark Tower, you were forced to go into your bedroom and wait. He wasn't allowed over as often as he used to be. Tony even went as far as switching your school so you two could absolutely not see one another. He also installed a tracker on both of you long ago, and he always monitors it.

So, in an act of defiance, you decided to give your father the silent treatment. It had gone up to four days now, and you hadn't cracked once. It's been two weeks since Peter had left.

In ten minutes you had fallen asleep, and your father crept into your room, careful not to wake you. He looked down and picked up the not eaten plate, and sighed softly. He knew that you hadn't been eating much lately, if anything at all. His concern grew more each day for you, and he didn't know how much longer he could take it.


Three days later, Tony finally broke.

The man had been alerted that Peter's suit detected a whole hell of a lot of damage, and he quickly traced his location. It was about a half mile away, and the people he was trying to battle were easily overcoming him.

He felt as if he had no other choice.

"(Y/N)!" He called down the hall. You instantly sensed the urgency in his voice and ran out to the living room. "What's going on?" You asked frantically. Tony stood up from the couch and put his hands on your shoulders firmly.

"Spiderling is in trouble and he needs our help." Your heart ached for the boy, and knowing that he was hurt made the feeling even worse. "Suit up, kid. We've got some saving to do."

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