Free Me (4)

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After dinner, you had relaxed in your room, enjoying all of the freedom that you had. There was a light knock on the door that interrupted your thoughts, and then it opened.

Peter popped his head inside and motioned up, "Come on, there's something I wanna show you."

Together, you snuck up the stairs to the roof, Peter in the lead. He opened the door, and you were greeted by darkness and cool air. The boy slipped his hand into yours so you wouldn't get lost and led you to the middle of the roof.

"Come on, lay down."

You did as requested, laying flat down on your back. You opened your eyes and gasped at the breathtaking view.

There was a midnight sky, little bright dots scattered throughout, but there was a big white one. "We're outside!" You exclaimed, sitting up and pointing at the sky. "That's the moon, right?"

Peter laughed gently, "Yeah, that's the moon, and those are stars."

"Wow." You breathed, not being able to peel your eyes off the sky, and Peter couldn't take his off of you. "I haven't seen the sky in so long. I forgot how beautiful it was."

Peter blinked slowly, gazing over at you almost in a trance. "I know." He whispered, feeling his heart clench slightly.

"Thank you for bringing me out here." You finally looked over to see that Peter had brought a bag that seemed to be filled to the rim. "Oh!" Peter said, then swung the back over in front of you. He began to dig through it, and pulled out four thick white candles.

He set them down gently around you two and lit them up with a lighter that was in his bag, then dug around some more. He pulled out a big box, you looked over in curiosity.

The box said Sorry in the middle with big letters, and you instantly squealed, "Is this one of your board games!" "Yes, and it's my favorite."

You two played board games until Tony came up into the roof to get a whiff of fresh air at two in the morning.

"What are you two doing up here!" He exclaimed right after he screamed like a girl and leaping back a foot. You laughed and answered, "He's showing me all of his board games, and now we're playing them! It's so much fun, do you wanna join for a nice game of Clue?"

"What I need is for you two to go to bed, Steve is gonna kill me if he knows that you're up past your bedtime."

You snorted and rolled your eyes. "Whatever you say, Dad." You said with a yawn, then waved to Peter. "See you tomorrow." You skipped down the stairs and to your room giddily.

"So." Tony smirked, turning to his apprentice. "You like her, don't you?"

Peter scoffed loudly, then made a funny face. "W-What are ya talking about?"

"Come on, you like her, and she likes you, kid."

"R-Really? You think so?"

"I know so, I think you two would be perfect for each other. You calm her down and she makes you more outgoing."

Peter laughed and gently shook his head.


Steve knocked on your door the next evening, You groaned and sat up in your bed, yelling, "Come in!"

The man opened the door and peaked his head inside. "Hey, we're having a meeting in ten minutes in the common room, go get washed up."

You obeyed and splashed water on your face, brushed your hair, and got dressed.

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