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Thanos had collected all of the stones, except for two. I could've saved Peter. Another tear rolled down (Y/N)'s face as the Titan just sat on the rock, gazing down at the gauntlet with grief.

"I sacrificed my own daughter for the Soul Stone." He whispered, a tear rolling down his cheek. She instantly scoffed, shaking her head, "You're an insane, rotten, disappointing, asshole!"

With that, a new fire began to burn within her, making her stand up and gaze down at him, seeing only red, "You made me give up the one thing that I loved, you're not capable of feeling that emotion, because you're mad!"

Her eyes suddenly began to furiously glow violet, her hair as well. Her palms began to dwindle together spheres of blazing magic. Within that moment, she let her guard down, and emotion completely take over her.

That was the first, and promptly the last, time they had ever said I love you to one another. And it stung knowing she could never say it to him again.

The two had been through thick and thin together, their relationship had spawned over these three months. What made matters somewhat bittersweet was that Tony has told her that her powers are going to override her and destroy her, so either way they couldn't have been together forever. But there was always a chance, but not anymore due to Tony.

Without warning, she fired at Thanos, a thick, flustering beam being sent into him. He lifted up the gauntlet just in time, and she made herself even more powerful than a moment ago. He will not leave without a scratch.

He grunted as he got flown back a few feet, but kept his ground, trying to look over the gauntlet and at her. She shot her other hand out, getting him in the head and making him fall. She stomped forward, her hands ablaze.

"I lost everything, because of you." She gritted, her hand outstretching and making his chest glow. She dug for his heart, but within a moment he snapped a portal behind him and got sucked into it, leaving her alone on the dusty planet.

She took a step back, her hand still out but not glowing anymore. Her eyes were back to their original color, along with her hair. Her lip began to quiver as she looked around her, and she felt the sense of bitter aloneness caving around her.

A tear cascaded down her cheek as she let her knees go, then buckling beneath her. Her cry turned into a painful shriek, and her knees collided with the floor, sending waves of harsh purple fanning out in all directions, traveling quickly across the whole planet.

Meanwhile, the Guardians of the Galaxy were cruising through space, doing their daily patrol. They had Thor on board, who was ready to land in Wakanda, but Quill insisted they do one last search around a certain bundle of planets that was known for high activity.

"Wait, do you see that?" Rocket questioned, pointing toward a planet called Titan. Everyone's eyes caught the enormous waves of violet, and instantly they began to steer in that direction.

"That looks like the mortal I met a few months ago." Thor stated, his good eye gazing down at the planet.

(Y/N) looked up to see a spaceship hurtling in her direction, but she stayed on the floor, looking back down and ignoring it. There's nothing left for me, I only have two months left.

"(Y/N)?" Thor asked cautiously, slowly walking toward her the second the ship landed. He turned and saw Tony laying on the floor a few yards away and yelled, "Ah, Tony Stark! Long time no see my mortal!"

He walked up to the man and bent down to shake him awake, but no reaction came. "He's dead." The girl said, not moving her eyes. Thor stood back up and ran to her, bending down to her eye level, asking, "What has happened?"

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