Not Just A Dream

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Requested by Superherodolann   ! The main character's name is Jodie! ❤️

"Look over there! It's an emu!" Jodie yelled, running over to the cage, pulling on Peter's wrist.

"Remind me again why I let you choose the zoo?" The boy muttered under his breath, letting her drag him along reluctantly. He rolled his eyes as he came to a stop to stare at the gigantic bird.

"The last time I saw an emu, it bit my dad." Peter said. (TRUE STORY AN EMU BIT MY DAD)

"Oh come on, look at the bright side! He's huge!"

"That's what she said."

"Do you have to ruin everything?!" Jodie said angrily, casting him a nasty gaze. "Come on, I'm just joking, lighten up."

"I love the zoo, so can you shut up for two seconds?!" She said, beginning to walk away. "I'm just joking! Where are you going, Jods?"

"Away from you!" She yelled, turning left and walking up the ramp above the lion cages. She stomped up it, not daring to look back, but she could hear his hurried foot steps approaching her.

Suddenly she stopped and turned around, hissing, "Peter, leave me—"

A man next to her had tripped on a rock, stumbling toward her. She only noticed him when he rammed into her with brute force, and she cried out while hitting the fence, the momentum swinging her over.

She was only falling for a moment before being suspended in the air by a white string. She looked up worriedly to see Spider-Man peeking at her from over the ledge, reaching his arm down to help her back up.

How did he change that quickly?

"Are you alright?" He asked frantically, placing her back down on the cement. She nodded shakily and looked over the edge to see lions swarming around the area where she would've landed.

"Hey, don't look at them, just focus on me." He said softly, reaching over and grabbing her cheeks so she would face him. "It's alright, you're alright." He cooed, moving closer to her. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion at his movement, but she couldn't seem to move herself, standing perfectly still while staring at him with wide eyes.

Peter's lips gently grazed against hers.

Jodie awoke with a start, her body shifting upward while her hands were digging her face out of her rat nest of hair. Her heart beat was going a mile a minute, her eyes wide and her body shaking from fear.

What the hell was that?


"Hey, Jodie! What's sizzling, bacon?" Tony asked while flipping a pancake when she got home from school, "I didn't know that you could cook."

"I didn't know either." He laughed, putting it on a plate in front of her and finishing it with a dollop of syrup, "You love pancakes, so you can't hate this."

She grabbed her fork and cut off a piece, taking a bite. It was a mediocre pancake, like all she's had her life. As she was chewing, her mind began to drift off to what she was thinking about all day, her dream.

Peter and her were friends, close friends, but just friends. They had been friends for years, since she discovered her ability of making ice. The first time she had talked to him was when she handed him a homemade snow cone, straight from her cool hands. She outstretched it to him with a smile, and they instantly connected.

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