Capsize (1)

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This one is gonna be a little different and I'm super excited to share it! Also, thank you all for your birthday wishes, it made me so so so happy and I really appreciate it! No one ever talks to me outside the internet anymore so it's really nice that you guys have contacted me, thank you❤️

Present time

In the middle of a vacant field stood (Y/N) and Peter, each looking around frantically and in despair. The girl had tears streaming down her face like a river, her whole body rattling as she took in another heaving sob.

"Tony!" She yelled desperately, her eyes not being able to find him anywhere. The wind picked up and tugged her hair to the right, making some block her eyesight. With little hope still in her veins, she shoved the piece of out the way and began to walk around, tears still coming out like a waterfall.

The girl looked over piles of amber and ebony rocks to still find nothing, and now dust began to pick up and swirl around her. It was an indication that their time was coming to an end, and it sent pure fear coursing through her body because she knew exactly what that meant.

"Kids. . ." Tony coughed, coming within sight and stumbling into the gravel field, losing his balance and falling. She gasped in horror and ran over, Peter already there. He rolled him onto his back and looked down to see his eyes barely open, his breaths ragged and sharp.

"Tony!" (Y/N) breathed, squatting down to the man's level. He moved his head slowly and gazed up at her, and she noticed his eyes were glazed over. Her heart dropped into her stomach as a sob got stuck in her throat, and she screwed her eyes shut while whimpering gravely, "No, no, no. . ."

Tony coughed a few more times painfully, then lurched his hand up to grab her shoulder. She opened her eyes and caressed his cheek as she whispered, "H-He's. . . c-comi-ing."

Then, the mentor took his last breath, his eyes closing and his chest going back down, not coming back up. His hand fell from her shoulder and across his stomach, and his head lolled to the side.

"No." She whispered, grabbing onto his limp hand and holding it tight, more tears flowing, a dam breaking within her.


The girl slowly turned her head to see Peter gazing at her morbidly, his mouth slightly agape, building up the courage to say his next words.

"It's time."

Her eyes widened as even more terror sunk her heart, and she immediately began to shake her head, squeezing Tony's hand harder. "No." She breathed as he bent down and pulled her hand away from Tony's, and into his own, pulling her up onto her knees.

"N-No. . ."

Peter pulled her up all the way onto her feet and grabbed her hand, putting her palm flat and facing him.

"If you don't, half of the universe dies." He said barely above a whisper, his voice wavering. She shook her head again and took a step back, her eyes screwing shut for a moment before opening them. They instantly sprung to the glowing object in the middle of his chest.

The Magical Stone. The most corny name, but its abilities are more enhanced than any other stone. It gave (Y/N) her abilities and it brought Peter back to life, hence it being in his chest, replacing his heart. He would die without it, no question.

"You have to do this." Peter broke the silence by cracking a sad smile, and she shook her head quickly again, a tear rolling down her left cheek. I can't.

"We don't know if he has all the stones, Pete. We could still have time—"

"(Y/N), we're out of time! All he needs is the Magical, Time, and Mind Stones to get what he wants. Without mine, he won't be able to snap, we'll save everyone."

"But, but not you." She whispered, her bottom lip quivering in fear. When was first gifted her powers she had feared she was too strong, since she didn't have a clue what strategy was back then. Now, she was thinking back to that moment, completely knowing that she was indeed too powerful for her own good.

"I can't." She breathed, but he quickly had a rebuttal of, "You can, you can. It shouldn't be you, but it is. You're the only one who can stop Thanos. They can take the stone out of Vision, but I'm toast, (Y/N). Either way I'd be dead."

More tears fell down her face as a sphere of violet began to morph within her palm. It grew within seconds as she hesitated to bring her arm forward.

"I love you so much, (Y/N), never forget that. If I had the chance, I would've stayed with you for forever. But, I'm afraid we don't have a choice in this life. Tony said Thanos was coming, this has to be done. I love you with all of my heart." Peter ranted quickly, spilling out his heart in front of her. She sharply inhaled as more tears surfaced, making her vision blurry.

"I-I love you too, Pete, so goddamn much." She whispered desperately, then closed her eyes, bringing her head down and launching her arm forward, a streak of ragged purple flying from her palm and to the stone that made its home in Peter's chest.

The boy grunted as pain swept over him, but he kept himself balanced on his knees as one last way to show his strength, to show that he was doing the right thing, even if it costed his life. I'm saving half of the universe. Trade one life for billions.

(Y/N) let out a heart wrenching sob as she watched the stone break down the middle, then slowly it grew to all sides. The force of her power made her hair blow behind her, and another cry escaped her barrier of lips.

Then, she saw her hair blow directly in front of her, and her eyes widened in complete horror. Peter looked alarmed behind her, and she quickly turned her head to see Thanos stepping onto the land through a blue swirling portal. How did he find us? We're on a different planet!

Without hesitation she shot out her other arm, hurling a beam of violet into him, the shades nearly matching. He brought up the infinity gauntlet with ease but flew back a couple yards when her power connected with the glove. He grunted with effort and planted his feet, making him stop. Realizing that he couldn't make it past her alone, he made the Power Stone glow.

Slowly he began to trudge forward, the gauntlet taking in all of her power. She turned back to Peter to see his stone further cracked, sinking deeper into the stone, beginning to go through to the other side. She casted him a frightful look and he smiled reassuringly at her, whispering, "It's alright."

Purple illuminated through her eyes, and it got brighter by the second, making it harder and harder to see Peter. She widened her eyes just in time to see the stone break dramatically, then again, and again. I love you.

The second it broke (Y/N) was soaring through the air, hurtling away from the stones. She landed roughly in some rocks and rolled quite a few feet before stopping and coughing, her limbs aching uncontrollably.

The girl whimpered as she turned her head to see fumes of purple and pink coming up from a lifeless Peter, right where the stone used to be. The stone was gone, blown into bits. He was gone.

Thanos slowly walked over to her, defeat radiating off his body. She sat up through the pain and was on her sides with her hands planted firmly into the gravel. The Titan sat down on a nearby rock, his arms resting on his legs.

There was a moment of silence before he spoke up, "I had to sacrifice something because I believed it was the right thing to do, too."

She screwed her eyes shut while saying bitterly, "I knew it was the right thing to do. And he sacrificed himself, and all because of you, you monster."

She opened her eyes and gazed up at the gauntlet expecting to see only one stone missing, but she saw two missing. Her eyes widened as she took a closer look, not believing what she was looking at.

Thanos didn't have the Time Stone.

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