Free Me (8)

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"Wanda." You called and jogged to catch up with her. She turned around and gave you a gentle smile, but that didn't die your nerves down, it just made them heighten.

"Can you please promise me something?" You asked, wringing your fingers together with anxiety. She nodded, eyes soft and concerned.

"The only way to get the Lethal stone out of me is to kill me. If you feel that I'm dead, can you teleport up to Titan and blow it to hell?"

The girl titled her head, "(Y/N), you're going to live, there's nothing to worry about."

"Please, Wanda. We don't know what's going to happen up there. I could die easily, and then Thanos will get the stone. We can't let that happen."

"But you won't die, so he can't get the stone—"

"Wanda, we both know that I could easily die, along with everyone else. No one else has the power to destroy the stone except for you, and Thanos will be unstoppable if he gets it since he has three other stones."

Wanda thought for a moment, then nodded. "Okay, I'll do it, but I really believe that they'll protect you, (Y/N)."

You sighed and looked up at her with sad eyes, "I can't let them all die while trying to protect me, because either way he'll just get me. I can't let them die, Wanda, you understand what I'm saying because they asked which ever one of us is still alive by the end of this to blow the Mind stone when it's out of Vision. I don't want that to be cut short so we'd have to kill him, but you just don't know what's going to happen. You have to promise me, Wanda, you have to."

"We don't trade lives." She whispered, and you shook your head. "I'd already be dead."

After a moment of hesitation, the girl finally nodded. "Okay."


You tugged your suit on and ate a big breakfast that consisted of lots of pancakes and cinnamon toast with some milk. After, you put your hair in two long braids to spend some time and to wear away the anxiety.

There was a knock on your door, and you looked up to see Peter poking his head in. "Hey, you ready?" You nodded and crawled off your bed and over to him. You stood in front of him and looked up into his doe eyes.

"What do you think's going to happen?" You questioned softly, then brought your hands up so they'd cup his cheeks. He smiled down at you, "I know that we're going to win and we're gonna come back home and drink some hot chocolate for celebration. We're not even going to be up there for a day I bet because that's how fast we are going to beat him."

You nodded shyly and then whispered, "Hey, you know I love you, right?" He nodded and leaned in, along with you. You kissed his lips for only a moment, then pulled back with a smile. "One more." He whispered, and you kissed him again.

You went back down on your feet and motioned to the door, "Come on, we gotta go, Stark's probably waiting for us." The boy nodded, then held your hand as the two of you walked up the stairs and to the roof.

The jetti's door was down, so you two climbed aboard. "Took you kids long enough." Tony sassed, fumbling with something on his suit. You smiled with an apology and walked over to a seat, strapping yourself in securely. Peter sat himself down and held your hand.

Tony closed up the hatch just as a man walked in. He was tall, with a majestic beard and a cloak wrapped loosely about his shoulders.

"Tony." You called, frightened. "Someone's on the ship!" The man turned around and laughed. "He's coming with us, that's Docter Strange. This is (Y/N) and Peter, say hello kids."

"Hi." The two of you mumbled, but the man kept on staring at you. "You're the girl with the stone, correct?" He asked curtly, and you nodded slowly. "How do you know that?"

He shrugged with a scowl on his face, "Guess you're not the only one with special abilities."

"Yeah, but you're the only asshat." You mumbled, rolling your eyes and leaning back against your chair, Peter's hand still in yours. "And why is this mystery man here, Tony?" You called to the front of the ship, hoping the rude man behind you could hear you.

"He has the Time stone." Tony called, and you frowned slightly at the information. The man definitely seemed wise, even if he was an ass. If he had one stone, and you had the other, then Vision has the third stone.

Shivers spiraled down your spine as you couldn't think of a good outcome of his whole ordeal.

"Where exactly are we going, Stark?" Strange questioned, eyes squinted. "Titan, now will you stop talking to me, I'm trying to concentrate on flying this thing!"

You closed your eyes and tried to drown them out for most of the flight, but soon, you couldn't anymore.

Two hours in, Tony was yelling. You unbuckled yourself and ran to the front to figure out what was happening, then you saw it. There was a spaceship about to hurl itself into yours, and you acted fast. You raised up your arms and focused, creating a force field around your jetti. Unfortunately, it took up too much of your energy since it had to be so big and you were forced to let go just as the spaceship rammed into yours.

You shrieked and flung across the jetti, forehead whacking off a nearby medical table. You were immediately thrown again, and this time you flew directly into Peter, knocking the two of you down.

You were thrown again, and Peter shot out a web at you, and it latched onto your chest. He pulled you close and wrapped his arms around you, shielding you from the flying mess the ship was. He held on so tight that it was hard to breathe, but you clung onto him as if he was your lifeline. You two continued to tumble around for another solid minute.

Suddenly, everything stopped as the jetti crash landed on a planet. Once everything was completely still, you lifted your head up hesitantly.

Smoke filled the jetti and you coughed, you stood and helped up Peter, then looked around. You saw the wizard hanging, his cloak wrapped around him protectively. You crawled over and untangled him from the cloak, and it tried to bat you away.

"I'm trying to help." You seethed, then it let go. You used your powers to keep him hovered in the air, then you guided him and Peter out slowly, feeling your way around the ship for a way out while looking for Tony.

"Peter, (Y/N)!" You heard Tony call from outside, and you coughed and yelled, "In here! We need some help!"

Tony ran through the entrance, which was only a couple yards away, and grabbed Peter's arm, throwing it around his shoulder. He then led the way out, and you followed closely behind with Strange.

Once you got out of all the dust, you coughed up a storm and let Strange down easy, his cloak wrapping him up to protect him from harm. Peter collapsed a few feet away from you, right beside Tony. You all coughed away the dust from your lungs and throat, which took at least five minutes, but it felt like an hour.

"Am I the only one who thinks this is a bad idea?" You asked through a cough, and everyone nodded, including a now conscious Strange. He coughed and sat up, brushing the dirt off his clothes.

"We gotta figure out who tried to take us out." You nodded along and got up, shaking all the dirt and dust away.

You looked over at Peter just in time to see him get kicked in the head by a man with a mask and dusty hair.

"Peter!" You shrieked and sent a wave at the man who had kicked your boyfriend. He cried out and fell from the impact, and you geared up another ball just as someone pinned you to the ground.

The person above you didn't even look like a person, but yet had a body of a human. He had green skin with red veins throughout his body, and bright, pale blue eyes.

You yelled and went into the man's head, making him see his worst fear. You shoved him off of you as he was in his trance and shot a ball at the same man who attacked Peter, but now he was going after Tony.

You got him again, and he yelled, "Come on!" As he fell, black zapping all around him. Then, someone touched the back of your head and whispered, "Sleep."

Then, you collapsed, the ground coming up to catch you.

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